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Locked GitDorker: scrape secrets from GitHub


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GitDorker is a tool that utilizes the GitHub Search API and an extensive list of GitHub dorks that I’ve compiled from various sources to provide an overview of sensitive information stored on github given a search query.

The Primary purpose of GitDorker is to provide the user with a clean and tailored attack surface to begin harvesting sensitive information on GitHub. GitDorker can be used with additional tools such as GitRob or Trufflehog on interesting repos or users discovered from GitDorker to produce the best results.

Rate Limits

GitDorker utilizes the GitHub Search API and is limited to 30 requests per minute. In order to prevent rate limits, a sleep function is built into GitDorker after every 30 requests to prevent search failures. Therefore, if one were to run use the alldorks.txt file with GitDorker, the process will take roughly 5 minutes to complete.

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