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Locked into/returning


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Hello all!


I go by sleepdank, I have been around the "hacking" scene for quite sometime under various names. I've moderated forums (not hacking related), and have been active on one board or another since I was 15 so about 13 years in total.

I have been going through some shitty life circumstances (as I'm sure we all do) and haven't been on any boards in quite some time, but today I'm marking my return!

One of the reasons is that I just started school this previous monday  to get a certification in Computer Sciences(programming), and wanted to freshen up on the lingo, the lifestlye, and the people. I hope to be a positive attribution to this forum, and hope to learn a whole lot as I know a lot of you are very talented people.


Anyways, that's me, anything I can do to make positive additions to the board I will be more than happy to do, and other than that...See ya around hopefully!!



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