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Locked YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator v2.0.12


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YAK Pro stands for Yet Another Killer Product.

Free, Open Source, Published under the MIT License.

This tool parses php with the best existing php parser PHP-Parser 4.x, which is an awesome php parsing library written by nikic.

You just have to download the zip archive and uncompress it under the PHP-Parser subdirectory, or make a git clone ...

What is Php Obfuscation?

When you have a php project you want to distribute, as php is a script interpretor, you distribute also all the sources of your software!

You may want, for any reason, that other people do not understand, modify, or adapt your software.

As your software must be understandable by the php runtime, but needs to be very difficult to understand by human people, obfuscation is a very good way to achieve this goal.

YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator Obfuscation Main Features:

    Removes all comments, indentation, and generates a single line program file.

    Obfuscates if, else, elseif, for, while, do while by replacing them with if goto statements.

    Obfuscates string literals.

    Scrambles names for:
        Variables, Functions, Constants.
        Classes, Interfaces, Traits.
        Properties, Methods.

    Shuffles Statements.

    Recursivly obfuscates a project's directory.

    Makefile like, timestamps based mechanism, to re-obfuscate only files that were changed since last obfuscation.

    Many configuration options that let you have full control of what is obfuscated within your project!

fix issues with anonymous classes & return type declarations

fix issue #72 with anonymous classes
fix issue with return type declarations

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