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Locked Parrot Security OS 4.9 - security-oriented operating system


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Parrot Security OS is a security-oriented operating system, which is designed for infiltration testing, computer forensics, reverse engineering, attack, cloud penetration testing, privacy / anonymous, password, and other occasions. The release is based on Debian, which features the MATE desktop environment and developed by the Frozen box network.

Lorenzo Faletra announces the release of Parrot Security OS 4.9, a security-oriented operating system designed for penetration testing, computer forensics, reverse engineering, attacks, cloud penetration testing, privacy/anonymity, passwords and more. The distribution is based on Debian, which features the MATE desktop environment and was developed by the Frozen box network.

Changelog v4.9

    Linux 5.5

    We are proud to announce the jump from linux 5.4 to the new 5.5 branch, which introduces a more reliable hardware support, fixes a lot of WIFI and intel GPU bugs and introduces support to new hardware that wasn’t supported before.
    Parrot Menu

    We have improved our menu structure removing some redundant launchers and making the overall organization easier to navigate.

        Fix icon missing in brisk menu
        Remove duplicate launchers in other categories or from Debian packages
        Fix icons for some security tools
        Fix airgeddon execution path
        Update-launchers improvement


    Anonsurf received a significant update that fixes some bad behaviors and improve its overall design.

    We are working on a major upgrade on anonsurf, which will introduce a graphic user interface and a complete new design.

    The new anonsurf version included in Parrot 4.9 is a cherrypick selection of new updates from our development branch that we decided to include ahead of time to close some bugs caused by the previous design of the software.

    No GUI available at the moment, but you will notice the improvements to this iconic piece of software.

        it now runs as a daemon
        the DNS bugs are fixed
        it is possible to automatically start it at boot
        it closes automatically when the system shuts off
        it can’t be started more than once like before, preventing weird bugs
        status command now uses nyx
        support for bash-completion of commands
        support for dnstool

    New installer

    We are proud to announce the new Parrot installer based on Calamares, the same installer used by Manjaro and other GNU/Linux distributions.

    Manjaro is a distro-agnostic installer that is easy to use and offers not only an improved user experience, but also all the relevant advanced features expected by a quality installer, like full disk encryption complex partitioning etc.

    Parrot still ships the Debian installer for those who need it, but now users have a new user friendly option available straight from the desktop of their live environment.

    Calamares makes the whole installation process not only better but also faster, by asking for partitioning first, and then configuring the user later while the installation runs in the background.
    Python 2 removal

    On one hand we are more than happy to announce that at the beginning of this year, python 2 was finally deprecated, and its lifecycle ended; on the ohter hand, we are sorry to announce you that we were forced to remove many pentest tools that were abandoned for years and never upgraded to python 3, so we were forced to deprecate them as well.

    We are not alone in this choice, and other pentest distributions like Kali were forced to take the same move.

    We are now searching for new tools (quality ones) to replace some of the missing ones, and we would love to write some of them in the near future.
    Other updates from upstream providers

    As always this version ships with all the latest updates from our upstream sources (mostly Debian), so every new fix, improvement (or bug) is now included in Parrot 4.9 as well.

    From the firefox browser to the mate desktop environment, from the introduction of GCC 10 ang golang 1.14 to the important upgrades of vscodium and virtualbox, all the awesome upates from upstream sources are now part of the Parrot repository as well.

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