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Locked dnSpy: v6.1.0


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dnSpy is a tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies, including .NET debugger, a decompiler and an assembly editor. This tool can be easily extended by writing custom and your own plugin. It uses dnlib to read and write assemblies so it can handle obfuscated assemblies without crashing.
dnSpy: .NET debugger, decompiler & assembly editor

This amazing tool is open source, forever free and has very modern and intuitive design, kinda similar to Visual Studio. It uses many open source libraries:

    ILSpy decompiler engine: C# and Visual Basic decompilers
    Roslyn: C# and Visual Basic compilers
    dnlib: .NET metadata reader/writer which can also read obfuscated assemblies
    VS MEF: Faster MEF equals faster startup
    ClrMD: Access to lower level debugging info not provided by the CorDebug API


    Debug .NET Framework, .NET Core and Unity game assemblies, no source code required
    Edit assemblies in C# or Visual Basic or IL, and edit all metadata
    High DPI support (per-monitor DPI aware)
    Extensible, write your own extension
    BAML decompiler
    Blue, light and dark themes (and a dark high contrast theme)
    C# Interactive window can be used to script dnSpy

    Search assemblies for classes, methods, strings etc
    Analyze class and method usage, find callers etc
    Multiple tabs and tab groups
    References are highlighted, use Tab / Shift+Tab to move to next reference
    Go to entry point and module initializer commands
    Go to metadata token or metadata row commands
    Code tooltips (C# and Visual Basic)
    Export to project


dnSpy-net472.zip requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.

dnSpy-netcore-win32.zip and dnSpy-netcore-win64.zip don’t depend on .NET Framework, but use .NET Core instead which is included in the zip files. If dnSpy.exe fails to start, try:

    Install VC dependencies:

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    Windows 7: Must have KB2999226 and KB2533623 installed

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