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Server-Side Template Injection and Code Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool

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Tplmap assists the exploitation of Code Injection and Server-Side Template Injection vulnerabilities with a number of sandbox escape techniques to get access to the underlying operating system.

The tool and its test suite are developed to research the SSTI vulnerability class and to be used as offensive security tool during web application penetration tests.

It can exploit several code context and blind injection scenarios. It also supports eval()-like code injections in Python, Ruby, PHP, Java and generic unsandboxed template engines.

Server-Side Template Injection

Assume that you are auditing a web site that generates dynamic pages using templates composed with user-provided values, such as this web application written in Python and Flask that uses Jinja2 template engine in an unsafe way.

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From a black box testing perspective, the page reflects the value similarly to a XSS vulnerability, but also computes basic operation at runtime disclosing its SSTI nature.

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Tplmap is able to detect and exploit SSTI in a range of template engines to get access to the underlying file system and operating system. Run it against the URL to test if the parameters are vulnerable.

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Use --os-shell option to launch a pseudo-terminal on the target.

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Supported template engines

Tplmap supports over 15 template engines, unsandboxed template engines and generic eval()-like injections.

Engine Remote Command Execution Blind Code evaluation File read File write
Mako Python
Jinja2 Python
Python (code eval) Python
Tornado Python
Nunjucks JavaScript
Pug JavaScript
doT JavaScript
Marko JavaScript
JavaScript (code eval) JavaScript
Dust (<= [email protected]) JavaScript
EJS JavaScript
Ruby (code eval) Ruby
Slim Ruby
ERB Ruby
Smarty (unsecured) PHP
PHP (code eval) PHP
Twig (<=1.19) PHP
Freemarker ×
Velocity ×
Twig (>1.19) × × × × ×
Smarty (secured) × × × × ×
Dust (> [email protected]) × × × × ×

Burp Suite Plugin


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