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Locked XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration - XenForo 2


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Basic Features:

    Allows registration/login on XenForo through Discord OAuth2
    Assign roles on your guild/server based on usergroups in XenForo
    Enforce username matching from XenForo to your guild/server
    Enforce bans on your guild/server when someone is banned on XenForo
    Post new threads, replies and status updates to channels on your guild/server - CHANGELOG

    Oct 29, 2019

WidgetBot has been having a lot of issues with their clusters. They shut down their official clusters, and then DisWeb became the official cluster... but then DisWeb had their domain stolen from them by an ex-staff member, so that had problems well. So the cluster/shard option has been changed from a dropdown menu to a simple text field with disweb.dashflo.net as the default value. So now you'll be more easily able to change the cluster at will... you could even use your own cluster if thats what you want to do.


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