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Locked How to Hack a Router


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How to hack a router may not be easy but this tool makes it easy for everyone, even for a beginner.
Before you start here are the requirements:
2.Kali Linux or any other Linux based OS
3.Basic terminal skills

Okay so first thing you need to do is clone the GitHub directory.
After you’ve cloned it open your terminal and go to the directory you just cloned which is “routersploit”
And then you type the follow command:
$python3 rsf.py

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The framework will look like this one above.
Now comes the part where you need to select what you want to attack, in this case we’re attacking a router so you’re gonna type:
$use scanners/autopwn
Right after that you’re gonna have to define your target, so you type this command:
$set target (you need to put your target’s IP instead of that)
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If you don’t know the router’s IP then you can simply scan your network with nmap.

Now you need to run the command “run” and it will start checking for vulnerabilities.

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The red minuses mean that it’s not vulnerable, the green pluses mean that vulnerability found.
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Now when it finishes scanning it will show you all the vulnerabilities found.
If it found any vulnerability then you simply need to type:
$use (the exploit name)
$set target
$set port 80
Now you can execute whatever command you want

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You can watch the video tutorial as well for better understanding.

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