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The TIDoS Framework

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The Offensive Web Application Penetration Testing Framework.

Highlights :-
Here is some light on what the framework is all about:

  • - [x] A complete versatile framework to cover up everything from Reconnaissance to Vulnerability Analysis.
  • - [x] Has 5 main phases, subdivided into __14 sub-phases__ consisting a total of __108 modules__.
  • - [x] Reconnaissance Phase has 50 modules of its own (including active and passive recon, information disclosure modules).
  • - [x] Scanning & Enumeration Phase has got 16 modules (including port scans, WAF analysis, etc)
  • - [x] Vulnerability Analysis Phase has 37 modules (including most common vulnerabilites in action).
  • - [x] Exploits Castle has only 1 exploit. `(purely developmental)`
  • - [x] And finally, Auxillaries have got 4 modules. `more under development`
  • - [x] All four phases each have a `Auto-Awesome` module which automates every module for you.
  • - [x] You just need the domain, and leave everything is to this tool.
  • - [x] TIDoS has full verbose out support, so you'll know whats going on.
  • - [x] Fully user friendly interaction environment. `(no shits)`

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TIDoS is built to be a comprehensive, flexible and versatile framework where you just have to select and use modules.

So to get started, you need to set your own `API KEYS` for various OSINT & Scanning and Enumeration purposes. To do so, open up `API_KEYS.py` under `files/` directory and set your own keys and access tokens for `SHODAN`, `CENSYS`, `FULL CONTACT`, `GOOGLE` and `WHATCMS`.


> __GOOD NEWS__:
> The latest release of TIDoS includes all API KEYS and ACCESS TOKENS for `SHODAN`, `CENSYS`, `FULL CONTACT`, `GOOGLE` and `WHATCMS` by default. I found these tokens on various repositories on GitHub itself. __You can now use all the modules__ which use the API KEYS. 🙂

Finally, as the framework opens up, enter the website name `eg. http://www.example.com` and let TIDoS lead you. Thats it! Its as easy as that.


> Recommended:
> - Follow the order of the tool (Run in a schematic way).
> Reconnaissance ➣ Scanning & Enumeration ➣ Vulnerability Analysis

To update this tool, use `tidos_updater.py` module under `tools/` folder.

Flawless Features :-

TIDoS Framework presently supports the following:


and more modules are under active development

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 Other Tools:

  • net_info.py - Displays information about your network. Located under `tools/`.
  • tidos_updater.py - Updates the framework to the latest release via signature matching. Located under `tools/`.

 TIDoS In Action:

Lets see some screenshots of TIDoS in real world pentesting action:


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v1.7 [latest release] [#stable]


These are some modules which I have thought of adding:

  • Some more of Enumeraton & Information Disclosure modules.
  • Lots more of OSINT & Stuff (let that be a suspense).
  • More of Auxillary Modules.
  • Some Exploits are too being worked on.


More info & Download:

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