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Locked [Source + Release] Vanilla Rat v1.7 - Advanced Rat Coded In C# - FINAL UPDATE!


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Full Description:

Vanilla Rat is a remote administration tool coded in C# for Windows. It is stable, simplistic, and designed for ease of use. Vanilla Rat uses the Telepathy TCP networking library, Costura.Fody DLL embedding library, and dnlib module reading and writing library.


- Remote Desktop Viewer (With remote click)
- File Browser (Including downloading, drag and drop uploading, and file opening)
- Process Manager
- Computer Information
- Hardware Usage Information (CPU usage, disk usage, available ram)
- Message Box Sender
- Text To Speech
- Screen Locker
- Live Keylogger (Also shows current window)
- Website Opener
- Application Permission Raiser (Normal -> Admin)
- Clipboard Text (Copied text)
- Chat (Does not allow for client to close form)
- Audio Recorder (Microphone)
- Process Killer (Task manager, etc.)
- Remote Shell
- Startup
- Security Blacklist (Drag client into list if you don't want connection. Press del. key on client to remove from list)

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