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Locked AutoRDPwn v4.8 - The Shadow Attack Framework


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AutoRDPwn is a script created in Powershell and designed to automate the Shadow attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to view his victim's desktop without his consent, and even control it on request. For its correct operation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements described in the user guide.

Powershell 4.0 or higher


Version 4.8
• Compatibility with Powershell 4.0
• Automatic copy of the content to the clipboard (passwords, hashes, dumps, etc.)
• Automatic exclusion in Windows Defender (4 different methods)
• Remote execution without password for PSexec, WMI and Invoke-Command
• New available attack: DCOM Passwordless Execution
• New available module: Remote Access / Metasploit Web Delivery
• New module available: Remote VNC Server (designed for legacy environments)
• Autocomplete the host, user and password fields by pressing Enter
• It is now possible to run the tool without administrator privileges with the -noadmin parameter
*The rest of the changes can be consulted in the CHANGELOG file

This application can be used locally, remotely or to pivot between computers. Thanks to the additional modules, it is possible to dump hashes and passwords, obtain a remote shell, upload and download files or even recover the history of RDP connections or passwords of wireless networks.

One line execution:
powershell -ep bypass "cd $env:temp ; iwr

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-outfile AutoRDPwn.ps1 ; .\AutoRDPwn.ps1"
The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:
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