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Locked dnSpy v6.0.x


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dnSpy is a debugger and .NET assembly editor. You can use it to edit and debug assemblies even if you don't have any source code available.

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The following pictures show dnSpy in action. It shows dnSpy editing and debugging a .NET EXE file, not source code.

Features (see below for more detail)

    Debug .NET Framework, .NET Core and Unity game assemblies, no source code required
    Edit assemblies in C# or Visual Basic or IL, and edit all metadata
    Light and dark themes
    Extensible, write your own extension
    High DPI support (per-monitor DPI aware)
    And much more, see below

dnSpy uses the ILSpy decompiler engine and the Roslyn (C# / Visual Basic) compiler and many other open source libraries, see below for more info.


    Debug .NET Framework, .NET Core and Unity game assemblies, no source code required
    Set breakpoints and step into any assembly
    Locals, watch, autos windows
    Variables windows supports saving variables (eg. decrypted byte arrays) to disk or view them in the hex editor (memory window)
    Object IDs
    Multiple processes can be debugged at the same time
    Break on module load
    Tracepoints and conditional breakpoints
    Export/import breakpoints and tracepoints
    Call stack, threads, modules, processes windows
    Break on thrown exceptions (1st chance)
    Variables windows support evaluating C# / Visual Basic expressions
    Dynamic modules can be debugged (but not dynamic methods due to CLR limitations)
    Output window logs various debugging events, and it shows timestamps by default :)
    Assemblies that decrypt themselves at runtime can be debugged, dnSpy will use the in-memory image. You can also force dnSpy to always use in-memory images instead of disk files.
    Public API, you can write an extension or use the C# Interactive window to control the debugger

Assembly Editor

    All metadata can be edited
    Edit methods and classes in C# or Visual Basic with IntelliSense, no source code required
    Add new methods, classes or members in C# or Visual Basic
    IL editor for low level IL method body editing
    Low level metadata tables can be edited. This uses the hex editor internally.

Hex Editor

    Click on an address in the decompiled code to go to its IL code in the hex editor
    Reverse of above, press F12 in an IL body in the hex editor to go to the decompiled code or other high level representation of the bits. It's great to find out which statement a patch modified.
    Highlights .NET metadata structures and PE structures
    Tooltips shows more info about the selected .NET metadata / PE field
    Go to position, file, RVA
    Go to .NET metadata token, method body, #Blob / #Strings / #US heap offset or #GUID heap index
    Follow references (Ctrl+F12)


    BAML decompiler
    Blue, light and dark themes (and a dark high contrast theme)
    C# Interactive window can be used to script dnSpy
    Search assemblies for classes, methods, strings etc
    Analyze class and method usage, find callers etc
    Multiple tabs and tab groups
    References are highlighted, use Tab / Shift+Tab to move to next reference
    Go to entry point and module initializer commands
    Go to metadata token or metadata row commands
    Code tooltips (C# and Visual Basic)
    Export to project

List of other open source libraries used by dnSpy

    ILSpy decompiler engine (C# and Visual Basic decompilers)
    Roslyn (C# and Visual Basic compilers)
    dnlib (.NET metadata reader/writer which can also read obfuscated assemblies)
    VS MEF (Faster MEF equals faster startup)
    ClrMD (Access to lower level debugging info not provided by the CorDebug API)

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