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Locked EXE Editable with Resource Hacker


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In this first release i include a virus free example build in Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 that can be fully editable with Resource Hacker. This is a cool exe for those of you who do not know how to code and want to build a simple warning message.

This exe example contains 3 elements. A image (BMP), a Text and a button. This elements can be editable with Resource Hacker and the only thing that it will do is execute any exe that is in the same folder named setup.exe. The name for the file to execute can be editable with a disassembler.

To start editing, open the file "Virus Remover by Hacxx.exe" with Resource Hacker

Replace Bitmap with any that you want
Replace Icon with any that you want
Edit Dialog to whatever you want. The Bitmap, text and button are editable here


This is the hidden content, please

Not scanned to avoid the file been reviewed by malware experts.

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