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Locked Control Your WebShells With telegram || GShark Framework


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I have been using this for a while now and its actually really good.

It allows you to control your webshells just via a telegram account.


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  • Connect web backdoor to master server and control it with Telegram
  • Download visual backdoor on selected target
  • Execute custom module or PHP code in selected target
  • Start a multiples integrated commands in GShark
  • Generate offuscated GShark Executor backdoor
  • Configure proxy on master server for comunicate to all backdoors (Proxy**)
  • Generate new backdoor source after interaction (AutoGenerate**)


How To Configer

# First run !


### Configure Telegram account



Navigate on this url and add the botFather contact :

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Send a message /newbot to @botFather contact and send your botName




Send a messsage /mybots to @botFather and select your botname

Now we can generate Token, click on API_TOKEN and select your token (LIKE : 41****:AAG5wqLsxe****nb9i)



telegram account as been configured !


### Database


Create a database and upload a SQL/database.sql file


### Configure Gshark master server environement


Now we need configure GShark.


Upload all gshark-framework repository to your hosting and use a folder Core/Interfaces/ for public repository



##### Open file /Core/Config/config.json


Add your bot API_KEY to telegram struct E.g :



"telegram": {

"bot_id": "41****:AAG5wqLsxe****nb9i"




Update database information E.g :



"database": {

"hostname": "localhost",

"dbname" : "gshark",

"username": "root",

"password": "root"




Update structure of path E.g:



"structure": {






### Configure GShark Telegram webook


Start configuration helpers like this



python Helpers/configureBot.py


Enter your API_TOKEN like this:



Welcome to GShark Framework

Helper: Configure Master server

Telegram bot API key $> 41****:AAG5wqLsxe****nb9i



Now we need configure webook url for comunicate to Telegram bot

webook url of gshark is :




You can change it on routing framework step in GShark class



Please use HTTPS url

Please enter webook url Like (

This is the hidden content, please

$> your_domain.com/?p=webook



Now enter a path in master server for your SSL certificate



Please enter SSL certificate path e.g: (/location/of/cert/certificate.crt)

$> /home/gshark/certificate.crt


Press and it's gone !


It also includes the b347k shell and a how to use file in the rar.




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