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Locked [VB.NET] YouTubeHelper by fudmario


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' ***********************************************************************

' Assembly : Youtube Downloader

' Author : fudmario

' Created : 15-06-2015


' Last Modified By : fudmario

' Last Modified On : 11-20-2015

' ***********************************************************************


' ' Copyright © 2015




' *************************************************************************


Option Explicit On

Option Strict On

Option Infer On


Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Imports System.Net

Imports System.Text

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Imports System.Web



''' Class YoutubeHelper. Esta Clase no puede ser Heredada.


Public NotInheritable Class YoutubeHelper


''' Url para Obtener la Información del Video


Private Const InfoUrl As String = "http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id="



''' Expresión Regular para obtener el Link de la imagen del Video.


''' The imagen.

Private Shared ReadOnly Property Imagen As Regex


Return New Regex("")

End Get

End Property



''' Expresion Regular para Obtener el Título del video.


''' The title.

Private Shared ReadOnly Property Title As Regex


Return New Regex("")

End Get

End Property



''' Expresion Regular para obtener la Descripción del Video.


''' Descripción del Video.

Private Shared ReadOnly Property Description As Regex


Return New Regex("")

End Get

End Property



''' Expresion Regular para obtener la Duracion del Video (en segundos).


''' Duracion del Video (en segundos).

Private Shared ReadOnly Property Duration As Regex


Return New Regex("length_seconds"":""(.*?)"",")

End Get

End Property



''' Obtiene Informacion sobre la Url de Video de Youtube.


''' Url del Video de YouTube.

''' Si se establece como true aplicamos el bypass.

''' YouTubeVideoInformation.

''' La no puede estar vacia;url

''' Formato de Invalido;Url

Public Shared Function GetYouTubeVideoInfo(url As String, Optional ByVal byPass As Boolean = False) As YouTubeVideoInformation


If String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(message:="La Url no puede estar vacia", paramName:="URL")


If Not Regex.IsMatch(url, "(http|https):..(www\.)?youtube.com.watch\?v=") Then Throw New FormatException(message:="Formato de Url Invalido")


Dim videoInfoFull As New YouTubeVideoInformation

Dim infoVideo As New List(Of YoutubeVideoInfo)

Dim adInfoVideo As YoutubeVideoInfo

Dim mSource As String

Dim arrayParams As NameValueCollection


Using c As New WebClient

c.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252)

mSource = c.DownloadString(url)


Select Case byPass

Case True

arrayParams = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(c.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}{1}&el=vevo", InfoUrl, HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(New Uri(url).Query).Get("v")))))

Case Else

arrayParams = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(c.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}{1}", InfoUrl, HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(New Uri(url).Query).Get("v")))))

End Select

End Using


Dim ytTitle As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Title.Match(mSource).Groups(1).Value)

Dim ytDescription As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Description.Match(mSource).Groups(1).Value)

Dim ytDuration As Double = CDbl(Duration.Match(mSource).Groups(1).Value)

Dim ytImg As String = Imagen.Match(mSource).Groups(1).Value


If arrayParams("status") = "ok" Then


Dim urLs As String() = arrayParams("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map").Split(","c)

Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

For i = 0 To urLs.Length - 1

adInfoVideo = New YoutubeVideoInfo()


Dim mUriDec As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(urLs(i))

Dim urlParams As NameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(mUriDec)

Dim vidFormat As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(urlParams("type"))


sb.AppendFormat("&signature={0}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(urlParams("sig")))

sb.AppendFormat("&type={0}", vidFormat)

sb.AppendFormat("&title={0}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(arrayParams("title")))


Dim format As String = vidFormat.Split(";"c)(0).Split("/"c)(1)

If format.Contains("x-flv") Then

format = "flv"

End If


adInfoVideo.Url = sb.ToString

adInfoVideo.Quality = urlParams("quality")

adInfoVideo.Format = format



videoInfoFull.ErrorCode = 0

videoInfoFull.LinksDetails = infoVideo

videoInfoFull.Title = ytTitle

videoInfoFull.Duration = ytDuration

videoInfoFull.Description = ytDescription

videoInfoFull.ImgLink = ytImg

Return videoInfoFull


videoInfoFull.ErrorCode = 1

videoInfoFull.ErrorMsg = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(arrayParams("reason"))

Return videoInfoFull

End If


End Function

End Class



''' Información Básica del Video.


Public Class YoutubeVideoInfo


''' Obtiene o Establece la Url Directa del Video.


''' Url Directa del Video.

Public Property Url() As String


''' Obtiene o Establece el Formato del Video.


''' Formato del Video.

Public Property Format() As String



''' Obtiene o Establece La Calidad del Video.


''' Calidad del Video.

Public Property Quality() As String


End Class



''' Información Completa del Video de YouTube.


Public Class YouTubeVideoInformation


''' Obtiene o Establece la lista de Link's Disponibles y Informacion Adicional.


''' lista de Link's Disponibles.

Public Property LinksDetails() As List(Of YoutubeVideoInfo)



''' Obtiene o Establece El Titulo del Video.


''' El Titulo del Video.

Public Property Title() As String



''' Obtiene o Establece El link de la Imagen del Video.


''' El link de la Imagen del Video.

Public Property ImgLink() As String



''' Obtiene o Establece la Descripción del Video.


''' la Descripción del Video.

Public Property Description() As String



''' Obtiene o Establece la Duracion del Video.


''' Duracion del Video.

Public Property Duration() As Double


''' Obtiene o Establece el codigo de Error: 0 = No Error, 1 = Error.


''' codigo de Error: 0 = No Error, 1 = Error..

Public Property ErrorCode() As Integer



''' Obtiene o Establece el Mensaje de Error.


''' Mensaje de Error.

Public Property ErrorMsg() As String

End Class





  • [li]Ejemplo de Uso:[/li]


[LENGUAJE=vbnet]Dim response As YouTubeVideoInformation

response = YoutubeHelper.GetYouTubeVideoInfo("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWRsgZuwf_8", True)

If response.ErrorCode = 0 Then


Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Titulo: {0}", response.Title))

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Descripción: {0}", response.Description))

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Duración: {0}", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(response.Duration).ToString("hh\:mm\:ss")))

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Url de la Imagen: {0}", response.ImgLink))


sb.AppendLine("Urls: ")

For Each urldetails As YoutubeVideoInfo In response.LinksDetails



sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Url: {0}", urldetails.Url))

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Formato: {0}", urldetails.Format))

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Calidad: {0}", urldetails.Quality))








  • [li]Retorna:


This is the hidden content, please

Edited by fudmario
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