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Locked [VB6] GetApi Pointer (LoadLibrary / GetProcAddress Replace)


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With this code you can for example the Apis (GetProcAddress, LoadLibrary) replace in your CallApiByName function.


[LENGUAJE=vb]Option Explicit



Private Declare Function DllFunctionCall Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByRef typeAPI As tAPICall) As Long


Private Type tAPICall

ptsLIB As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Library

ptsProc As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Procedure

lReserved As Long ' Just reserved...

lPointer As Long ' Pointer to the buffer that will contain temp variables from DllFunctionCall

lpBuffer(3) As Long ' Buffer that will contain temp variables

End Type


Public Function GetAPIPtr(ByVal sLib As String, ByVal sProc As String) As Long

Dim tAPI As tAPICall

Dim bvLib() As Byte

Dim bvMod() As Byte


Call Unicode2ANSI(sLib, bvLib)

Call Unicode2ANSI(sProc, bvMod)


With tAPI

.ptsLIB = VarPtr(bvLib(0))

.ptsProc = VarPtr(bvMod(0))

.lReserved = &H40000

.lPointer = VarPtr(.lpBuffer(0))

End With


GetAPIPtr = DllFunctionCall(tAPI)

End Function



Private Sub Unicode2ANSI(ByVal sUNICODE As String, ByRef bvANSI() As Byte)

Dim i As Long



For i = 1 To Len(sUNICODE)

bvANSI(i - 1) = Asc(Mid$(sUNICODE, i, 1))

Next i


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