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Locked Google Index Retriever


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Have you ever found a webpage that seems to talk exactly about what you need, but it has been removed? Yes, Google cache is the answer but… What if the cache has been removed too? What if the site is just in Google Index page? You can´t get the webpage back, but you know it was there. Google Index Retriever will try to retrieve back the index in Google, so you can get part of the text back, and maybe that removed content you need.


Google cache is not there forever. From time to time, they are just removed for good. Archive.org and its WayBackMachine does not take as many snapshots of the less popular pages… so, there are some situations where the only part of a web that is left is in the Google Index.


Google index is that little part of text in the results page that Google search engine shows when the user searches for anything. That is the index where the searched words matching appear in bold. Google Index is the last part of a web to disappear. So there will be situations where that is the only part left. Google keeps different “indexes” from the same webpage, so, if they could be all put together, the text would be reconstructed and it would maybe come up. But that is not the only situation where the tool may be useful. What if the index contains passwords, credit card numbers or any other sensitive information? In fact that was one of the reasons to create the tool: to demonstrate that removing the webpage and cache with offensive or sensitive content is not enough. The content may be still reachable.


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please



This is the hidden content, please

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