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Locked Russian-English Translation (Brute|Checker|Parser)


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Russian-English Translation (Brute|Checker|Parser)


"загрузить", "открыть", "соурс", "база", "базочка", "загрузить базу" - open source, base, open base........

"прокси", "загрузить прокси" - open proxy, proxy.......

"старт", начать", "брут", "брутить" - start

"стоп", "остановить" - stop

"ошибки", ероры" - error

"гуд, "гудов" - good

"бед, беды, плохие" - bad

"пасс", "пароль" - pass, password.......

"логин" - login

"игры" - games

"Потоки" - Flows


Let's look at an example


This is the hidden content, please




This is the hidden content, please
- Open base


This is the hidden content, please
- Open Proxy


This is the hidden content, please
- Start


This is the hidden content, please
- Stop


This is the hidden content, please
- Reset


This is the hidden content, please
- Type Proxy


This is the hidden content, please
- Timeout


This is the hidden content, please
- Flows


This is the hidden content, please
- Use Proxy


This is the hidden content, please
- Uploaded Bases


This is the hidden content, please
- Travel Accounts


This is the hidden content, please
- Left Accounts


This is the hidden content, please
- Proxy


This is the hidden content, please
- Good


This is the hidden content, please
- Bed


This is the hidden content, please
- Errors


This is the hidden content, please
- Login


This is the hidden content, please
- Password


This is the hidden content, please
- Link to Profile


This is the hidden content, please
- Games



This is the hidden content, please



Translated by DarkHoff

Edited by DarkHoff
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