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  1. Las VPN y el Mito del Anonimato Absoluto en Internet A medida que el uso de Internet se ha vuelto más generalizado, también ha aumentado el interés en la seguridad y la privacidad en línea. Este aumento de la conciencia de la privacidad ha llevado a muchas personas a buscar soluciones que pueden proporcionar un cierto nivel de anonimato mientras navegan por la web. Una solución popular para este problema son las Redes Privadas Virtuales (VPN). Sin embargo, a pesar de las promesas de completo anonimato que suelen hacer algunos proveedores de VPN, la realidad es que las VPN no garantizan un anonimato absoluto. En este artículo, examinaremos en detalle por qué este es el caso. ¿Qué es una VPN? Para entender por qué las VPN no proporcionan anonimato completo, primero debemos entender qué es una VPN y cómo funciona. Una VPN es una tecnología que crea un túnel seguro entre tu dispositivo y el servidor VPN, permitiendo que tu tráfico de Internet sea enrutado a través de este túnel. Esto oculta tu dirección IP real y hace que parezca que estás navegando desde la ubicación del servidor VPN en lugar de tu ubicación real. Las VPN también encriptan tu tráfico de Internet, lo que significa que tu ISP (Proveedor de Servicios de Internet) y cualquier otra persona que intente espiar tu actividad en línea no podrán ver qué estás haciendo. En resumen, las VPN proporcionan una capa de seguridad y privacidad que puede protegerte de la vigilancia y el seguimiento en línea. ¿Por qué las VPN no son completamente anónimas? Aunque las VPN pueden ayudar a proteger tu privacidad en línea, no proporcionan un anonimato total. Aquí hay varias razones por las cuales: 1. Los proveedores de VPN pueden registrar tu actividad: Aunque tu ISP y cualquier otra parte interesada no pueden ver tu actividad en línea cuando usas una VPN, tu proveedor de VPN puede. Muchos proveedores de VPN afirman tener políticas de "no registro" o "zero logs", pero en realidad, a menudo se requiere algún nivel de registro para el funcionamiento de la VPN. Además, estos proveedores pueden verse obligados por ley a entregar estos registros a las autoridades si se les solicita. 2. Las VPN no protegen contra las cookies de rastreo: Las VPN pueden ocultar tu dirección IP, pero no te protegen contra las cookies de rastreo que los sitios web instalan en tu dispositivo. Estas cookies pueden ser utilizadas para rastrear tu comportamiento en línea y recopilar datos sobre tus hábitos de navegación. 3. Las VPN no protegen contra los ataques de correlación de tráfico: Aunque las VPN encriptan tu tráfico de Internet, un observador lo suficientemente motivado puede utilizar ataques de correlación de tráfico para identificar a los usuarios. Esto se hace correlacionando los patrones de tráfico en el punto de entrada y salida de la VPN. 4. Las fugas de DNS y de IP: A veces, incluso cuando estás conectado a una VPN, tus solicitudes de DNS pueden ser enviadas a través de tu ISP en lugar de tu proveedor de VPN. Esto se conoce como una "fuga de DNS". Similarmente, a veces tu dirección IP real puede filtrarse. Ambas situaciones pueden comprometer tu privacidad. ¿Cómo puedes proteger mejor tu privacidad en línea? Dado que las VPN no proporcionan un anonimato total, ¿qué puedes hacer para mejorar tu privacidad en línea? Aquí hay algunas sugerencias: 1. Elija un proveedor de VPN confiable: Si decides usar una VPN, asegúrate de elegir un proveedor que sea confiable y tenga una política clara de no registro. Revisa las opiniones y la política de privacidad del proveedor para asegurarte de que no guardan registros de tu actividad. 2. Utiliza la navegación privada o incógnita: La mayoría de los navegadores ofrecen un modo de navegación privada o incógnita que no guarda tu historial de búsqueda o las cookies. Esta es una buena manera de evitar que los sitios web rastreen tu actividad. 3. Configura tus ajustes de privacidad: Asegúrate de revisar y configurar los ajustes de privacidad en todos tus dispositivos y cuentas en línea. Muchos servicios y aplicaciones ofrecen opciones para limitar la cantidad de datos que recopilan y cómo se utilizan. 4. Usa un bloqueador de rastreadores: Los bloqueadores de rastreadores pueden ayudarte a protegerte contra las cookies de rastreo. Estos bloqueadores pueden prevenir que los sitios web instalen cookies de rastreo en tu dispositivo. 5. Considera usar Tor: Tor es una red que puede proporcionar un nivel de anonimato superior a una VPN. Sin embargo, Tor también tiene sus limitaciones y desventajas, como velocidades más lentas y la posibilidad de que tu tráfico sea vigilado en la salida de la red Tor. Conclusión En conclusión, aunque las VPN pueden proporcionar una capa valiosa de seguridad y privacidad, no garantizan el anonimato total. Los proveedores de VPN pueden registrar tu actividad, las VPN no protegen contra las cookies de rastreo y los ataques de correlación de tráfico, y pueden ocurrir fugas de DNS e IP. Sin embargo, al tomar medidas adicionales, como elegir un proveedor de VPN confiable, utilizar la navegación privada, ajustar tus configuraciones de privacidad, utilizar un bloqueador de rastreadores y considerar el uso de Tor, puedes mejorar tu privacidad en línea. Recuerda, en el mundo digital de hoy, la privacidad es un proceso constante, no un destino. Desde LVL23HT recomendamos seguir está guía para permanecer anónimo: https://level23hacktools.com/hackers/forums/topic/103520-heres-a-step-by-step-guide-to-improve-your-online-anonymity-by-deepest/
  2. Las VPN y el Mito del Anonimato Absoluto en Internet A medida que el uso de Internet se ha vuelto más generalizado, también ha aumentado el interés en la seguridad y la privacidad en línea. Este aumento de la conciencia de la privacidad ha llevado a muchas personas a buscar soluciones que pueden proporcionar un cierto nivel de anonimato mientras navegan por la web. Una solución popular para este problema son las Redes Privadas Virtuales (VPN). Sin embargo, a pesar de las promesas de completo anonimato que suelen hacer algunos proveedores de VPN, la realidad es que las VPN no garantizan un anonimato absoluto. En este artículo, examinaremos en detalle por qué este es el caso. ¿Qué es una VPN? Para entender por qué las VPN no proporcionan anonimato completo, primero debemos entender qué es una VPN y cómo funciona. Una VPN es una tecnología que crea un túnel seguro entre tu dispositivo y el servidor VPN, permitiendo que tu tráfico de Internet sea enrutado a través de este túnel. Esto oculta tu dirección IP real y hace que parezca que estás navegando desde la ubicación del servidor VPN en lugar de tu ubicación real. Las VPN también encriptan tu tráfico de Internet, lo que significa que tu ISP (Proveedor de Servicios de Internet) y cualquier otra persona que intente espiar tu actividad en línea no podrán ver qué estás haciendo. En resumen, las VPN proporcionan una capa de seguridad y privacidad que puede protegerte de la vigilancia y el seguimiento en línea. ¿Por qué las VPN no son completamente anónimas? Aunque las VPN pueden ayudar a proteger tu privacidad en línea, no proporcionan un anonimato total. Aquí hay varias razones por las cuales: 1. Los proveedores de VPN pueden registrar tu actividad: Aunque tu ISP y cualquier otra parte interesada no pueden ver tu actividad en línea cuando usas una VPN, tu proveedor de VPN puede. Muchos proveedores de VPN afirman tener políticas de "no registro" o "zero logs", pero en realidad, a menudo se requiere algún nivel de registro para el funcionamiento de la VPN. Además, estos proveedores pueden verse obligados por ley a entregar estos registros a las autoridades si se les solicita. 2. Las VPN no protegen contra las cookies de rastreo: Las VPN pueden ocultar tu dirección IP, pero no te protegen contra las cookies de rastreo que los sitios web instalan en tu dispositivo. Estas cookies pueden ser utilizadas para rastrear tu comportamiento en línea y recopilar datos sobre tus hábitos de navegación. 3. Las VPN no protegen contra los ataques de correlación de tráfico: Aunque las VPN encriptan tu tráfico de Internet, un observador lo suficientemente motivado puede utilizar ataques de correlación de tráfico para identificar a los usuarios. Esto se hace correlacionando los patrones de tráfico en el punto de entrada y salida de la VPN. 4. Las fugas de DNS y de IP: A veces, incluso cuando estás conectado a una VPN, tus solicitudes de DNS pueden ser enviadas a través de tu ISP en lugar de tu proveedor de VPN. Esto se conoce como una "fuga de DNS". Similarmente, a veces tu dirección IP real puede filtrarse. Ambas situaciones pueden comprometer tu privacidad. ¿Cómo puedes proteger mejor tu privacidad en línea? Dado que las VPN no proporcionan un anonimato total, ¿qué puedes hacer para mejorar tu privacidad en línea? Aquí hay algunas sugerencias: 1. Elija un proveedor de VPN confiable: Si decides usar una VPN, asegúrate de elegir un proveedor que sea confiable y tenga una política clara de no registro. Revisa las opiniones y la política de privacidad del proveedor para asegurarte de que no guardan registros de tu actividad. 2. Utiliza la navegación privada o incógnita: La mayoría de los navegadores ofrecen un modo de navegación privada o incógnita que no guarda tu historial de búsqueda o las cookies. Esta es una buena manera de evitar que los sitios web rastreen tu actividad. 3. Configura tus ajustes de privacidad: Asegúrate de revisar y configurar los ajustes de privacidad en todos tus dispositivos y cuentas en línea. Muchos servicios y aplicaciones ofrecen opciones para limitar la cantidad de datos que recopilan y cómo se utilizan. 4. Usa un bloqueador de rastreadores: Los bloqueadores de rastreadores pueden ayudarte a protegerte contra las cookies de rastreo. Estos bloqueadores pueden prevenir que los sitios web instalen cookies de rastreo en tu dispositivo. 5. Considera usar Tor: Tor es una red que puede proporcionar un nivel de anonimato superior a una VPN. Sin embargo, Tor también tiene sus limitaciones y desventajas, como velocidades más lentas y la posibilidad de que tu tráfico sea vigilado en la salida de la red Tor. Conclusión En conclusión, aunque las VPN pueden proporcionar una capa valiosa de seguridad y privacidad, no garantizan el anonimato total. Los proveedores de VPN pueden registrar tu actividad, las VPN no protegen contra las cookies de rastreo y los ataques de correlación de tráfico, y pueden ocurrir fugas de DNS e IP. Sin embargo, al tomar medidas adicionales, como elegir un proveedor de VPN confiable, utilizar la navegación privada, ajustar tus configuraciones de privacidad, utilizar un bloqueador de rastreadores y considerar el uso de Tor, puedes mejorar tu privacidad en línea. Recuerda, en el mundo digital de hoy, la privacidad es un proceso constante, no un destino. Desde LVL23HT recomendamos seguir está guía para permanecer anónimo: [Hidden Content] View full article
  3. This is a Baileys based piece of code that lets you tunnel TCP data through two Whatsapp accounts. This can be usable in different situations, for example network carriers that give unlimited whatsapp data or airplanes where you also get unlimited social network data. It's using Baileys since it's a WS based multi-device whatsapp library and therefore could be used in android in the future, using Termux for example. The idea is to use it with a proxy setup on the server like this: [Client (restricted access) -> Whatsapp -> Server -> Proxy -> Internet] [Hidden Content]
  4. Dive into the exciting world of Web 3.0, featuring technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the semantic web, promising to revolutionize the way we interact online. Web 3.0: Uncovering the Semantic and Decentralized Internet - LeVeL23HackTools
  5. Web3 is a new generation of the Internet, which is used by, for example, cryptocurrency users. However, most Internet users are unaware that the web revolution is already underway, just as the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 was hardly noticeable. As William Gibson, the father of cyberpunk, said, the future is now, just unevenly distributed. Web 3.0 - what is it? Web 3 is, very broadly speaking, a decentralized Internet based on blockchain technology. In practice, it means, for example, transactions and financial services made online without intermediaries. It's not everything. The next generation of networks is to use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in unprecedented ways to create online services. As a result, applications and websites will be created that are ideally suited to the needs of the user. How does Web 3.0 work? Web3 works in a decentralized way. What does it mean? A decentralized network uses a P2P (peer-to-peer) infrastructure, i.e. a network of related devices without a single dominant node. This solution is to guarantee the lack of control, greater transparency and security of user data. Blockchains play a key role in Web3. These are distributed databases that record changes in the system. They are the basis for creating more and more applications and cryptocurrency trading. Another branch of Web3 is personalized information and services provided to users. This is due to the increasingly advanced machine learning and AI techniques as well as the developed semantic network, which guarantees very precise search results. History of the web - from Web 1 to Web 3.0 How did the network evolve and what were its next generations? How is Web 3.0 different from Web 2.0? Web 1.0 This is the first version of the World Wide Web (the term was proposed in 1989 by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee). It lasted until around 2005. Web1 is the time of static HTML pages, decentralized services (e.g. Yahoo) and search engines (Netscape Navigator, Mosaic). The use of Web 1.0 was passive, Internet users could only read and watch content posted on websites. Interaction between users was limited to discussion forums and messengers, which were very primitive compared to Messenger. Web 2.0 Passive content consumption has been replaced by the ability to interact with the pages you visit. Users exchange content and create it themselves. Intermediaries are social media, blogs, network services. A few years ago, Web2 reached its highest level of development. It is a network that we know very well, dominated by digital giants: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple. The power of these global corporations has become so great that politicians decided to introduce regulations regarding, among others, collecting and trading user data (solutions proposed, for example, by the European Union). Web 3.0 Web3, in the words of Gavin Wood, is a “decentralized blockchain-based internet ecosystem.” This is an epoch in the history of the World Wide Web that is just beginning. The best-known characteristic element of Web 3.0 is blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and NFT (non-fungible tokens). The next revolution on the Internet is the answer to the powerful Big-Tech. Thanks to Web 3.0, network users will regain control over their data and will be able to operate on the Internet without intermediaries (eg banks or large Internet services). Interestingly, not everyone is enthusiastic about the concept of Web3. For example, Elon Musk believes that Web 3 is just a marketing slogan.
  6. i2pd (I2P Daemon) is a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client. I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don't reveal their real IP addresses. I2P client is a software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (filesharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client-server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat-servers). I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions. Features Distributed anonymous networking framework End-to-end encrypted communications Small footprint, simple dependencies, fast performance Rich set of APIs for developers of secure applications Supported systems: GNU/Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc) - Build on Ubuntu CentOS, Fedora, Mageia - Build Status Alpine, ArchLinux, openSUSE, Gentoo, etc. Windows - Build on Windows Mac OS - Build on OSX Docker image - Build containers Snap - i2pd i2pd FreeBSD - Build on FreeBSD Android - Android CI iOS [Hidden Content]
  7. This cutting-edge spreadsheet contains 121 prompts that have been expertly crafted to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, the powerful artificial intelligence technology that is changing the game for businesses everywhere. Our product, the 121 ChatGPT prompts for internet marketers, solves this problem by providing you with a comprehensive list of prompts that are expertly crafted to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT technology for your business. These prompts are specifically designed to streamline your internet marketing efforts, driving consistent, sustainable growth and profitability in your business. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  8. Hetman Internet Spy™ for fast and secure recovery of data after web browser history deleting. The utility allows you to analyze browsing history, social media messages, search history, emails, videos watched on YouTube etc. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  9. uncover is a go wrapper using APIs of well-known search engines to quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet. It is built with automation in mind, so you can query it and utilize the results with your current pipeline tools. Currently, it supports shodan, censys, and fofa search engine. Simple and Handy utility to query multiple search engine Multiple Search engine support (Shodan, Censys, Fofa) Automatic key/credential randomization stdin / stdout support for input and output Changelog v0.0.9 Added virtual hosts in censys search by @ehsandeep in #82 Added integration tests for sources by @LuitelSamikshya in #80 Fixed not writing the result to output file by @LuitelSamikshya in #87 Fixed uncover panic on string port by @Ice3man543 in #91 [hide][Hidden Content]]
  10. How to Identify Malicious Links On Internet With the growing age of the internet where anything can be taught and learnt online, the number of people involved in cyber-crimes and online frauds have also increased significantly. Such an attempt is spreading malicious links over the internet. Its important to know about these type of malicious links to protect yourself from cyber fraud. In this Cyber Security article you will get information about Various types of malicious links you may find on internet, and how to protect yourself from them. Phishing links Phishing is the most common example of such an attacks. Despite various cyber-awareness campaigns and programs, every year people fall victim to online phishing scams due to their negligence towards cyber-security. Thus it is necessary to be aware of phishing attacks and to learn how to identify them. What Is Phishing Phishing is a cyber-fraud in which an attacker creates malicious links and send such links to various people to get their credentials like usernames or passwords. The fundamental work behind every phishing attack is to forge phishing links. These links look normal to people who are not concerned with technology and cyber-security but are links to malicious web pages and websites hosted by the attacker. How does phishing work? The simple scenario behind phishing attacks is - • The attacker creates a webpage looking almost genuine to the users. • The attacker then send links to such web pages to different people who might end up getting tricked. • The attacker then steals the credentials of those users. Phishing Methods Attackers have developed several new ways for spreading phishing links over the internet. Attackers spread these phishing links through various methods like: • Text messages • Fraud E-mails • Through Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. • Via Instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. • Online forums and discussion websites. How Identify Phishing Links Identifying a phishing link is not too hard. A phishing link can be easily identified by looking at the URL in the address bar of the web browser. Assume you are visiting the Facebook website. Now, look at the address bar whether the URL is facebook.com or not. Similarly, if you are visiting any website always check the address to ensure the authenticity of the website you are visiting. How to protect yourself from phishing? People always get hacked due to their carelessness, thus you must take all possible steps to minimize or even eliminate the possibilities of falling for phishing attacks. Always follow these steps: Use browser extensions which may automatically identify phishing website. Always check the address bar of the website you are visiting. Always verify whether the website is authentic or not by its working and behaviour. Try to not open every link people send you online. Do not believe in fake text alerts or spam emails. Location Tracking Links Clicking on random links on the internet can also reveal your real-time location to attackers. People try several ways to track the location of people for unethical purposes. One such method is sending malicious links to track location. How does Location Tracking work? It is not hard to track location through link sharing. There are dozens of websites on the internet that allows people to track location through these methods. The scenario behind location tracking is the concept of IP Address. Every system connected to the internet has a unique identity of its own – Its IP Address. When someone opens location tracking links their IP Address is revealed to the website they are visiting. This IP address may contain some vital information including the location of the visitor. How to be safe from getting tracked? To protect yourself from being tracked never open links random people send you on social media platforms and online groups. Along with this simple step, you can also follow the steps mentioned to minimize the risk: • Do not allow unnecessary permissions asked by websites. • Use anti location tracing browser extensions • Use VPN for downloading files from the internet. • Avoid opening random links on the internet. Links That Can Install Viruses & Malware on Your System Attackers try different methods to spread viruses and malware over the internet. They upload malicious programs on the internet and send their links to people who might download them. Once downloaded and installed, these viruses run in the background without the users ever noticing and the users lose their confidential data and information. How malware spread through links? Attackers try to click-bait users by creating highly interactive web-pages, which fascinates the users and they end up downloading those malicious viruses. How to protect yourself from such viruses? These steps can be taken into consideration for protection against such malicious viruses. • Do not download software and applications from unknown sources. • Do not open pop up advertisements. • Disable pop-ups through your browser settings • Always have antivirus software installed on your system.
  11. What can be repaired With any repair utility, you will need to remember two golden rules. Firstly; Do not try to repair something that is not broken, you might break it. Secondly; no fix-it utility cannot repair it all, we are not like the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle, we cannot anticipate each and every situation, but this all said; Complete Internet Repair should be able to help with most of your internet issues. Complete Internet Repair might help (no promises) if you are experiencing any of the following problems: Internet or network problems after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc. Loss of network connection after installing/uninstalling VPN, firewall, internet security suite, antivirus or other networking programs. Unable to access any website or can only access some websites. Pop-up error window with network-related problem description. Internet or network problems after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc. Loss of network connection after installing/uninstalling VPN, firewall, internet security suite, antivirus or other networking programs. Unable to access any website or can only access some websites. Pop-up error window with network-related problem description. No network connectivity due to registry errors. DNS lookup problem. Fail to renew the network adapter’s IP address or other DHCP errors. Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message. Windows update does not work. You are having problems connecting to secured websites (ex. Banking). Internet Explorer stopped working or crashes all the time. Sticky proxy server settings. A few other internet errors, but we will not discuss them all here. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. Internet Download Accelerator effectively solves three of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resuming broken downloads, and management of downloaded files. The distinguishing features of Internet Download Accelerator are superior overall performance and convenient user interface. IDA AVCInternet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time. Internet Download Accelerator resumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPS and FTP servers. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. Get 3 Months Free Access !! [Hidden Content]
  14. uncover is a go wrapper using APIs of well-known search engines to quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet. It is built with automation in mind, so you can query it and utilize the results with your current pipeline tools. Currently, it supports shodan, censys, and fofa search engine. Simple and Handy utility to query multiple search engine Multiple Search engine support (Shodan, Censys, Fofa) Automatic key/credential randomization stdin / stdout support for input and output [hide][Hidden Content]]
  15. AVG Internet Security Consiga una protección completa que le mantendrá seguro en línea con un antivirus galardonado, protección contra el ransomware, un cortafuegos personalizable y más. Proteja cada aspecto de su vida en línea AVG Internet Security bloquea los virus y el malware, mantiene sus correos electrónicos seguros, protege sus archivos personales y su webcam frente a los hackers y le permite comprar y operar en banca en línea sin preocupaciones. Protección del equipo Protección del correo electrónico y la Web Protección contra ataques de hackers Protección de la privacidad Protección de los pagos [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  16. Hetman Internet Spy – This program analyzes the contents of both existing and deleted browser system files and collects detailed information on a user’s online activity. The utility allows you to analyze browsing history, social media messages, search history, emails, videos watched on YouTube, etc. The user-friendly interface is good not only for parents who would like to monitor their children’s online activity, but also for detectives working on digital evidence. The application will give you certain information even if the browsing history was deleted, the data was removed, or the disk was formatted. Features • Show a list of opened web pages • Analyzes a user’s online activity on social media • Analyzes search queries and use of machine translation • Shows the user’s emails • Shows created bookmarks and downloads • Analyses the browser cache contents • Shows saved passwords and entered addresses • Recover browsing history after disk formatting • Exporting reports to Excel, HTML or PDF • And much more.. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  17. Night crawler is a project focused on designing an Internet of Things (IoT) search engine using some techniques to find devices in IPv4 blocks and then insert it into MongoDB. Features Banner Grabbing Whenever performing the intel-reconnaissance process during penetration testing or security auditing, we need to pay attention to the current web server’s exposed information. That’s where banner grabbing comes in. Banner grabbing is the act of getting software banner information (name and version), whether it’s done manually, or by using any OSINT tools that can do it for you automatically. FTP servers, web servers, SSH servers, and other system daemons often expose critical information about not only the software name but also about the exact versions and operating systems they’re running. Port Scanning Is a method of determining which ports on a network are open and could be receiving or sending data. It is also a process for sending packets to specific ports on a host and analyzing responses to identify vulnerabilities. IP Geolocation IP Geolocation is the identification of the geographic location of a device, such as a mobile phone, gadget, laptop, server, and so on, by using an IP address. This search engine consumes an API to get the locations in JSON format. Screenshot Functions If it detects that a device has an HTTP service running, it sends a request to a server with Rendertron and saves a screenshot. [hide][Hidden Content]]
  18. Invisible Internet Protocol: Network without borders We are building network which helps people to communicate and share information without restrictions. i2pd (I2P Daemon) is a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client. I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don't reveal their real IP addresses. I2P client is a software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (filesharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client-server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat-servers). I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions. Features Distributed anonymous networking framework End-to-end encrypted communications Small footprint, simple dependencies, fast performance Rich set of APIs for developers of secure applications [Hidden Content]
  19. Internet Download Accelerator effectively solves three of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed, resuming broken downloads, and management of downloaded files. The distinguishing features of Internet Download Accelerator are superior overall performance and convenient user interface. IDA AVCInternet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time. Internet Download Accelerator resumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPS and FTP servers. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  20. Hetman Internet Spy – This program analyzes the contents of both existing and deleted browser system files and collects detailed information on a user’s online activity. The utility allows you to analyze browsing history, social media messages, search history, emails, videos watched on YouTube, etc. The user-friendly interface is good not only for parents who would like to monitor their children’s online activity, but also for detectives working on digital evidence. The application will give you certain information even if the browsing history was deleted, the data was removed, or the disk was formatted. Features • Show a list of opened web pages • Analyzes a user’s online activity on social media • Analyzes search queries and use of machine translation • Shows the user’s emails • Shows created bookmarks and downloads • Analyses the browser cache contents • Shows saved passwords and entered addresses • Recover browsing history after disk formatting • Exporting reports to Excel, HTML or PDF • And much more.. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  21. Becky! Internet Mail is the Internet e-mail client. Since its birth in 1996, we kept improving its functionalities listening to the users' feedback, and it has become one of the most successful shareware e-mail products. It runs on most of the Windows platform from Windows95 to the latest Windows10. (except Windows Mobile (CE)) It has almost every feature that are needed for e-mail client and has nothing that are only useful for the marketing hype. Features You can create not only multiple mailboxes but also create multiple profiles for each mailbox. That will make very flexible mailbox management for people who has a lot of e-mail accounts. It supports POP3, IMAP4, SMTP (with or without SSL). For its features, the program size is unbelievably compact. It is developed with good old C++ and optimized for Windows, which promises quick response in every aspect. You can view and write HTML mail within Becky! using Microsoft IE's inline component. The useful "Template" feature allows you to create templates for everyday's fixed work, that will incredibly save your time. The friendly "Reminder" feature allows you to deliver messages from you to you on the scheduled date. The powerful filtering manager allows you to create very flexible filtering rule that can contain almost infinite And/Or conditions and various filtering actions. You can also quickly make a filtering rule by drag&drop with Alt key. The "Mailing lists Manager" can manage many mailing list that you have subscribed in one window. Its "Plug-in Interface" allows the third parties to create powerful add-on programs. You can bring out your Becky! in your USB memory using "Sync With Portable Media" functionality. You can plug-in your USB memory to any Windows computer and she is there! It leaves virtually no footprint on the target computer, so it is ideal for Internet Cafe. Its "Query" feature searches strings in any folders, and this Query result can be saved as a folder. Its unique "Agents" feature can manage non-urgent work like "Need Reply in Xdays", "Wait for Reply", etc. You can forget about those chores and concentrate on the important work. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  22. Proxies: Yes HQ Bots: 100 User:Pass Capture: Plan [hide][Hidden Content]]
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