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  1. Offence RAT v2.5 PREVIEW DOWNLOAD upload.ee: [hide][Hidden Content]] kosred: sadly theres no more kosred.com such an wonderful file hosting, R.I.P :(
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  3. Description What is ethical hacking? Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers. This practice helps to identify security vulnerabilities which can then be resolved before a malicious attacker has the opportunity to exploit them. Also known as “white hats,” ethical hackers are security experts that perform these assessments. The proactive work they do helps to improve an organization’s security posture. With prior approval from the organization or owner of the IT asset, the mission of ethical hacking is opposite from malicious hacking. What Is A Red Team? A red team consists of security professionals who act as adversaries to overcome cyber security controls. Red teams often consist of independent ethical hackers who evaluate system security in an objective manner. They utilize all the available techniques to find weaknesses in people, processes, and technology to gain unauthorized access to assets. As a result of these simulated attacks, red teams make recommendations and plans on how to strengthen an organization’s security posture. How Does A Red Team Work? You might be surprised to learn that red teams spend more time planning an attack then they do performing attacks. In fact, red teams deploy a number of methods to gain access to a network. Social engineering attacks, for example, rely on reconnaissance and research to deliver targeted spear phishing campaigns. Likewise, prior to performing a penetration test, packet sniffers and protocol analyzers are used to scan the network and gather as much information about the system as possible. What Is A Blue Team? A blue team consists of security professionals who have an inside out view of the organization. Their task is to protect the organization’s critical assets against any kind of threat. They are well aware of the business objectives and the organization’s security strategy. Therefore, their task is to strengthen the castle walls so no intruder can compromise the defenses. How Does A Blue Team Work? The blue team first gathers data, documents exactly what needs to be protected and carries out a risk assessment. They then tighten up access to the system in many ways, including introducing stronger password policies and educating staff to ensure they understand and conform to security procedures. Monitoring tools are often put in place, allowing information regarding access to the systems to be logged and checked for unusual activity. Blue teams will perform regular checks on the system, for example, DNS audits, internal or external network vulnerability scans and capturing sample network traffic for analysis. Who this course is for: Ethical Hackers Cyber Security Engineers DevSecOps Engineers System Administrator IT Engineers Requirements Nothing just Patience and Eager to Learn ! [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  4. Content Available In Course : Introduction the course About author Why car Hacking? Is Car hacking Legal Or illegal? Existing Research About Car Hacking Into to The CAN & ECU Open-Source toolkits for Car Hacking Which OS you need for car hacking? Install Kali Linux How to Install ICSim? How to setup Icsim? How to Start ICSIM and Learn Some commends? Capturing CAN Traffic with CanSniffer The Replay Attack_ Replaying CAN Packets with CANplayer Playing around with the car Signal Taking Over The Signal Light Taking Over Your Speedometer Taking Control Over Your Car Doors Unlocking cars Without car Key with hackrf Where we put Hardware tools to hack car Hack hacking with OBD2 Tool in Mobile How to start car without car key with OBD2 Scanner? Bones Video (Simple replay attack with HackRF) Using HackRF with Portapack on a RC Mouse Transmitting voice with hackrf The Car Hacker’s Handbook_ A Guide for the Penetration Tester [hide][Hidden Content]]
  5. Description Become a white hat hacker and learn all the practical techniques for penetration testing with this amazing course which will provide conceptual framework to your security training. The course not only covers theoretical concepts but cover the practical demonstrations of various tools like The course is divided into the following main sections: Ethical Hacking Concepts -What is Ethical Hacking? Know about different types of hackers. Get to know about hacktivism and practical pen testing techniques Real World Information Gathering -Learn about foot printing and reconnaissance, Email harvesting, Learn and master SSL scan, Maltego, Whatweb, HttpRecon. Work on techniques like IP address geolocation, DNS and Mail Server Enumeration Scanning and Vulnerability Gathering -Learn to use scapy for packet crafting and port scanning, Learn to use network scanning techniques and work on vulnerability identification Network Attacking Techniques Master techniques for password cracking, MITM, Sniffing SSL and RDP attacks Web Exploitation Techniques Learn about password attacks, SQL Injections, RCE and DOS attacks Wireless Network Security Standards in Wireless security, WEP encryption, Wireless sniffing, Protecting Wireless networks Metaspoilt Learn to use the metaspoilt tool for your projects Detection Evasion Learn about the detection evasion techniques This exhaustive course covers everything you need to know about white hat hacking. Get the Knowledge, Get the Expertise. Who this course is for: Students who want to be system security professionals Students who want to learn Ethical Hacking Requirements Students should have some background in testing and knowledge of web servers, networks and web technologies [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  7. Description Welcome to Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course. Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Oak Academy has a course for you. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. In this course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Ethical Hacking skills. Our Student says that: This is the best tech-related course I’ve taken and I have taken quite a few. Having limited networking experience and absolutely no experience with hacking or ethical hacking, I’ve learned, practiced, and understood how to perform hacks in just a few days. I was an absolute novice when it came to anything related to penetration testing and cybersecurity. After taking this course for over a month, I’m much more familiar and comfortable with the terms and techniques and plan to use them soon in bug bounties. FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking on Udemy: What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… FAQ regarding Penetration Testing on Udemy: What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, or pen testing, is the process of attacking an enterprise’s network to find any vulnerabilities that could be present to be patched. Ethical hackers and security experts carry out these tests to find any weak spots in a system’s security before hackers with malicious intent find them and exploit them. Someone who has no previous knowledge of the system’s security usually performs these tests, making it easier to find vulnerabilities that the development team may have overlooked. You can perform penetration testing using manual or automated technologies to compromise servers, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other exposure points. What are the different types of penetration testing? There are many types of penetration testing. Internal penetration testing tests an enterprise’s internal network. This test can determine how much damage can be caused by an employee. An external penetration test targets a company’s externally facing technology like their website or their network. Companies use these tests to determine how an anonymous hacker can attack a system. In a covert penetration test, also known as a double-blind penetration test, few people in the company will know that a pen test is occurring, including any security professional. This type of test will test not only systems but a company’s response to an active attack. With a closed-box penetration test, a hacker may know nothing about the enterprise under attack other than its name. In an open-box test, the hacker will receive some information about a company’s security to aid them in the attack. What are the different stages of penetration testing? Penetration tests have five different stages. The first stage defines the goals and scope of the test and the testing methods that will be used. Security experts will also gather intelligence on the company’s system to better understand the target. The second stage of a pen test is scanning the target application or network to determine how they will respond to an attack. You can do this through a static analysis of application code and dynamic scans of running applications and networks. The third stage is the attack phase, when possible vulnerabilities discovered in the last stage are attacked with various hacking methods. In the fourth stage of a penetration test, the tester attempts to maintain access to the system to steal any sensitive data or damaging systems. The fifth and final stage of a pen test is the reporting phase, when testers compile the test results. Hi there, Are you ready to gain new cybersecurity skills to improve your career opportunities? Are you looking for a career in penetration testing? If you are planning an Ethical Hacking career and if this is something that interests you then you are at the right place. OAK Academy wants you to know we’re here to help. Network Security ethical Ethical Intelligence nmap nessus nmap course nmap metaspolit Complete nmap Kali linux nmap ethical hacking penetration testing bug bounty hack cyber security kali linux android hacking network security hacking security security testing nmap metasploit metasploit framework penetration testing oscp security testing windows hacking exploit bug bounty bug bounty hunting website hacking web hacking pentest+ pentest plus OSINT (Open Source Intelligent ) social engineering phishing social engineering tool kit ethical hacking metasploit password cracking penetration testing hacking cracking ethical hacking and penetration testing phishing oak academy crack complete ethical hacking nessus web hacking ethical hacking course white hat hacker web penetration testing complete ethical hack the complete ethical hacking course antivirus evasion password hack white hat hacking password hacking hacking course nmap metasploit shodan kali linux penetration hack web penetration web security complete ethical hacking course certified ethical hacking ruby burp armitage hacker cve nmap course ethical hacking hacking become ethical hacker oak academy ethical hacking 2021 penetration testing ethical hacker in 15 hours hacking 2021 become ethical hacker in 15 ethical hacking in 15 hours hacker ethical hacking and penetration testing ethical become ethical hacker in 15 hours 2021 malware become ethical hacker in 15 hour password cracking nessus ethical hacker 15 ethical hacker ethical hacker 15 hours become an ethical hacker ethical hacking 15 hours black hat hacking become ethical hacker in ethical hacking social media android hacking penetration learn ethical hacking hack 2021 javascript hacking shodan msfconsole passwordhack become a hacker ethical hacking metasploit password cracking Last year, Penetration Testers ranked as one of the 3 most in-demand jobs in the growing cybersecurity job market, and with our guided learning you’ll gain real-world, hands-on experience with the latest technologies. Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – 2021 provides you with the latest free tools and resources to grow your knowledge and achieve your career goals. Our video courses cover a broad range of topics and are accessible anytime, anywhere. You can gain real, hands-on experience from the comfort of your own home. No experience? Not a Problem If you don’t have any previous experience in Ethical Hacking, not a problem! Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours is for everyone! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. With this course, you will have a chance to learn to identify and expose weaknesses in an organization’s network with the same methods black hat hackers use to exploit their victims. And if you are a pro-Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones. Free Ethical Hacking Tools The good news is: All applications and tools recommended are free. So you don’t need to buy any tool or application. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work. So you will also learn all the tips and tricks so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers’ expertise. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you’ll also be very confident, and hungry to learn more. T Video and Audio Production Quality All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be, Seeing clearly Hearing clearly Moving through the course without distractions You’ll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Dive in now to our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – | Ethical Hacking 2021 course We offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course! Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: People who want to start from scratch and to move more advanced level People who are cyber security experts People who want job transition into Cyber Security System administrators who are on the front lines defending their systems and responding to attacks Other security personnel who are first responders when systems are under attack People who want to take their Ethical Hacking skills to the next level Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker in become ethical hacking and penetration testing course People who want to take their hacking skills to the next level in become ethical hacking penetration testing course Requirements 8 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher for ethical hacking and penetration testing (16 GB recommended) 64-bit system processor is mandatory for full ethical hacking and penetration testing course 20 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today in penetration testing [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  8. Hacker Challenge is a HTML5 where you need to direct the flow of blue energy by changing the rotation of the junction shapes until it reaches an end-point that will unlock. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  9. Download Java 11+. Most preferrably Java 15. Download the Zip Attached in the Latest Release. Run the file run-on-linux.desktop OR run-on-windows.bat Getting Started with Remote Hacker Probe or see Video. Remote Hacker Probe V.2.3 Fixed Host - Port reading bug in DLL Loader Client. [hide][Hidden Content]] Server Scan [Hidden Content]
  10. Description The complete CEH video course with recorded labs by Dean Bushmiller Table of contents Welcome Mindmaps Notecards Activity Readings Lab Choices Professional Lab Setup Tools or Lab Command Syntax Step missing or Wrong order Exam Overview Quiz Practice LCA Ethical Hacking Overview Footprinting and Reconnaissance Footprinting and Reconnaissance Tools Footprinting and Reconnaissance Lab Recording Scanning Networks Scanning Networks Tools Scanning Networks Lab Recording Enumeration Enumeration Tools Enumeration Lab Recording Vulnerability Analysis Vulnerability Analysis Tools Vulnerability Analysis Lab Recording System Hacking System Hacking Tools System Hacking Lab Recording Malware Malware Tools Sniffing Sniffing Tools Sniffing Lab Recording Social Engineering Social Engineering Tools Denial of Service Denial of Service Tools Session Hijacking Session Hijacking Tools Session Hijacking Lab Recording Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Tools Web Servers Web Servers Tools Web Servers Lab Recording Web Applications Web Applications Tools Web Applications Lab Recording SQL Injection SQL Injection Tools SQL Injection Lab Recording Wireless Networks Wireless Networks Tools Mobile Platforms Internet of Things Cloud Computing Cryptography Cryptography Tools Metasploitable3 Lab setup walk-thru What is new this month in CEH [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  11. Ethical Hacker (CEH) What you’ll learn Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification Prep Course Site Footprinting Scanning the network Enumeration Sniffing packets Social Engineering is a term that refers to the DoS/DDoS Hijacking a session Attacks on web servers and web applications, as well as countermeasures Injection attacks using SQL Encryption for wireless networks Threats to cloud computing Ciphers for cryptography Testing for penetration Requirements Students must have at least two years of IT security experience and a strong working knowledge of TCP/IP to take this course. Description The Ethical Hacker training course is a generalised information security professional training course. This training course gives students an overview of the tools, tactics, and abilities needed to become a successful ethical hacker. The purpose of this course is to teach applicants how to employ an ethical hacking approach in a penetration testing or ethical hacking environment. This course takes an encyclopaedic approach to covering all of the tools and techniques necessary to comprehend the ethical hacking domain and apply what you’ve learned to safeguard IT infrastructure and conduct effective penetration testing. Who this course is for: Auditors and security officers professionals in the field of security Administrators of the website Individuals concerned about the network infrastructure’s integrity Master Ethical Hacking with Python! Course [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. HexorBase is a database application designed for administering and auditing multiple database servers simultaneously from a centralized location, it is capable of performing SQL queries and bruteforce attacks against common database servers (MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL ).HexorBase allows packet routing through proxies or even metasploit pivoting antics to communicate with remotely inaccessible servers which are hidden within local subnets. It works on Linux and Windows running the following: ###Requirements: python python-qt4 cx_Oracle python-mysqldb python-psycopg2 python-pymssql python-qscintilla2 ###Downloads to download the latest version [Hidden Content] To install simply run the following command in terminal after changing directory to the path were the downloaded package is: root@host:~# dpkg -i hexorbase_1.0_all.deb ###Icons and Running the application: Software Icon can be found at the application Menu of the GNOME desktop interfaces Icon can also be found at /usr/share/applications for KDE and also GNOME: There you find "HexorBase.desktop" ###To get the source code for this project from SVN, here's the checkout link: root@host:~# svn
  13. DLL Injector Hacker PRO – is a tool for injection of files dll to processes or (programs) this tool was specially designed for the injection of hacks, for games such as (Halo – Counter Strike – Swat – Nova – Mount Blade – Star War – ETC …) is easy to use and very efficient. [hide][Hidden Content]]
  14. Only days after the T-Mobile data breach, the same threat actor is selling 70 million AT&T users’ records. The mobile service provider denied the data leak claim, saying the data didn’t come from any of their systems. ShinyHunters, the same group of threat actors that posted T-Mobile users’ data for sale just days ago, is now selling 70 million records that allegedly belong to another mobile service provider – AT&T. The sample of data for sale includes AT&T users’ full names, social security numbers, email addresses, and dates of birth. ShinyHunters is selling the database for a starting price of $200,000. AT&T denied the claim that the data was leaked, suggesting that it is either inauthentic or gathered from other sources. “Based on our investigation today, information that appeared in an internet chat room does not appear to have come from our systems,” MarketWatch quoted the cellphone carrier. AT&T has suffered a data breach before. In 2015, the company agreed to pay a $25 million fine for an insider breach. As a matter of fact, in May, a threat actor was looking to hire a T-Mobile and/or AT&T employee, presumably to help them stage an insider attack on their employer. The claim of yet another enormous user database comes only days after another mobile service provider T-Mobile has confirmed a data breach. According to their latest statement, an attacker illegally accessed a database containing information on more than 40 million past, current, and prospective users of T-Mobile US. Late last week, T-Mobile was tipped about claims in an online forum that a threat actor has compromised T-Mobile systems. The company announced it had located and immediately closed the access point that might have been used to illegally gain access to the organization’s servers. “Our preliminary analysis is that approximately 7.8 million current T-Mobile postpaid customer accounts’ information appears to be contained in the stolen files, as well as just over 40 million records of former or prospective customers who had previously applied for credit with T-Mobile. Importantly, no phone numbers, account numbers, PINs, passwords, or financial information were compromised in any of these files of customers or prospective customers,” the company said in a press release. The experts we spoke to insisted that this data could be used for social engineering and identity theft. ShinyHunters is a notorious threat actor group and is responsible for multiple major data breaches. According to HackRead, they have targeted companies like Mashable, 123RF, Minted, Couchsurfing, Animal Jam, and others. Source
  15. 1) RDP Cracking 1) RDP into and how to get valid CC Free 2) how to get free RDP 3) How Developer get Free RDP 4) How to crack RDP using Tools 5) Crack RDP using angry IP scanner 100% 6) Get free 6GB RDP, free hosting, free domain 7) clear small dout of RDP 8) Why RDP is important for cracking 2) How to make own combos using SQL dumper, tps dork generator, EZ dork searcher 1) how to get free proxy and keywords 2) how to generate dork and search dork 3) How to import links on SQL Dumper 4) How to Find Exploitable site and How to Find injectable site using SQL Dumper 5) How to get own Combos and email list 6) How to export combos and email list on Desktop 3) How to make combos using slayer leecher How to Make HQ combos using slayer leecher 4) How to make own HQ Proxy 1) How to check proxy 2) How to make own proxy and check 5) Premium account cracking 1) Minicraft cracking 2) Nord VPN cracking 3) Netflix account cracking 6) How to use open bullet 7) SMTP cracking 8) Facebook account cracking 9) MD5 Decrypter [hide][Hidden Content]]
  16. The Remote Hacker Probe is a Threat Emulation and Red Teaming Framework built to be easy to use. The Remote Hacker Probe is Feature Rich! Including, Keystroke Logging, Reflective DLL Injection, Reverse Shell, Password Recovery, etc. Remote Hacker Probe Core is open source and constantly improved. and is no longer being updated or worked on. Fast and Lightweight, Remote Hacker Probe is coded in Java meaning it will run anywhere in a JRE and Client in C++ for Native Windows. The Remote Hacker Probe had 2 versions, Open Source and Professional Version. That have been merged into one and the source code of the Professional Version is also now open source. For more information click here. Please do not use the Remote Hacker Probe or any Software for Black Hat Activity. The Remote Hacker Probe is made for Authorized Penetration testing, Demonstrations and Reasearch. The Author is not responsible for any sort of misuse or damage caused by the program. Server Features : Visually Appealing and Theme able Graphical User Interface featuring Dark, Light, Solarized Dark and Solarized Light themes. Built for ease and usability, Remote Hacker Probe is extremely easy to use and Set up. The Server is coded in Java meaning it is Cross Platform! It will run anywhere in a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Event Logging. High Speed File Upload / Download. Main Features : Probe Client : The Probe Client is a Standalone EXE containing all malicious code. This is the file used to take remote control over a Computer. Reflective DLL Injection (Custom + Read Output / Pass Parameters to DLL) Download, Upload, Delete and browse the entire file System. Reverse Shell, Full Access to the command line. Scan Remote Network for hosts. Port scan hosts in the Target Network. Scan Remote Network for hosts vulerable to Eternal Blue Get Process Information by Process name. Geolocate Client using IP Address. Shutdown / Restart the Remote PC. Grab screenshot of the Remote PC. Record Microphone input. Add to Startup Persistence on command. Display Message box. Open URLS in the default browser. USB Infection. Active Window logging. UAC Status shown in main table. Client Path shown in main table. Keylogger. Password Recovery. Pidgin. FileZilla. Vault & IE. WinSCP. WiFi. Credential Manager. Task Manager. Remote Hacker Probe Pro V.2 This is the final release of Remote Hacker Probe. I am no longer going to update this. The professional (paid) version is now open source and is merged into this repository. [Hidden Content]
  17. The Remote Hacker Probe is a Remote Access and Post Exploitation Framework coded in C++/Java. Server Features : Visually Appealing and Theme able Graphical User Interface featuring Dark, Light, Solarized Dark and Solarized Light themes. Built for ease and usability, Remote Hacker Probe is extremely easy to use and Set up. The Server is coded in Java meaning it is Cross Platform! It will run anywhere in a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Event Logging. High Speed File Upload / Download. Main Features : Execute DLL’s in memory using Reflective DLL Injection over Socket. Download, Upload, Delete and browse the entire file System. Reverse Shell, Full Access to the command line. Scan Remote Network for hosts. Port scan hosts in the Target Network. Scan Remote Network for hosts vulerable to Eternal Blue. Get Process Information by Process name. Geolocate Client using IP Address on an interactive Map. Shutdown / Restart the Remote PC. Grab screenshot of the Remote PC. Record Microphone input. Add to Startup Persistence on command. Display Message box. Open URLS in the default browser. USB Infection. Active Window logging. Client Path. Keylogger. Password Recovery. Pidgin. FileZilla. Vault & IE. WinSCP. WiFi. Credential Manager. Task Manager. Remote Hacker Probe V.1.1 RCE Vulnerability fixed. File Manager bugs improved. Unauthorized File Upload / Download fixed. It is checked if you triggered the file download or not. [hide][Hidden Content]]
  18. Overview: Resource Hacker™ is a resource editor for 32bit and 64bit Windows® applications. It's both a resource compiler (for *.rc files), and a decompiler - enabling viewing and editing of resources in executables (*.exe; *.dll; *.scr; etc) and compiled resource libraries (*.res, *.mui). While Resource Hacker™ is primarily a GUI application, it also provides many options for compiling and decompiling resources from the command-line. Version 5.1.8 Last updated: 14 November 2020 Changes in 5.1.8: Added: Zooming/scrolling views of image resources Update: Enabled scrolling for very tall dialogs Bugfix: Very large binary resources (>>100Mb) could crash the hex editor Bugfix: Occasional bug decompiling dialogs styles (WS_TABSTOP) Bugfix: RC file missing when extracting a binary resource type from commandline [hide][Hidden Content]]
  19. [hide][Hidden Content]]
  20. Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz Language: English | VTT | Size: 148 MB | Duration: 35 mins _https://www.udemy.com/course/ethical-hacking-wireshark-course/ What you'll learn Basics Packet Capturing Attacking Decrypting TLS Lua Scripting Requirements Computer with Network Card Description Wireshark is the most widely used network capture and protocol analyzer on the market. It is used by IT and Network administrators to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and by Network Security analysts to dissect network attacks. This free and open source application is so widely used in the industry because it works. It is cross platform, meaning that it runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD. This course is an introduction to the application and goes over the basics to get you started capturing and analyzing network traffic. It will build your base by explaining the theory behind how networks work and then get you into real-world applications of the software. Who this course is for: IT Security Analysts [Hidden Content]
  21. How to Become An Professional Ethical Hacker ? Ethical Hacking Career [Hidden Content]
  22. The Hacker Playbook: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing (English Edition) [Hidden Content] The Hacker Playbook 2: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing (English Edition) [Hidden Content] The Hacker Playbook 3: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing (English Edition) [Hidden Content] Download: [HIDE][Hidden Content]] Password: level23hacktools.com
  23. [Hidden Content]
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