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  1. Learn all about web application penetration testing! What you'll learn Full Web Penetration Testing And Ethical Hacking Course Requirements A computer with 4 GB RAM A computer with at least 2 Cores A computer with at least 300 GB Hard Disk Space Description The Full Web Ethical Hacking Course program trains you in a step-by-step process into an ethical hacker. Instructor Loi has taught tens of thousands of students with millions of viewership across the world on his ethical hacking courses. This is a full web ethical hacking course to guide you through lectures and tutorials to help you become the ultimate ethical hacker. Come learn from the top ethical hacking and penetration testing instructor, Loi Liang Yang, who has over 200,000 global subscribers and more than 5 million views on his cyber-security teachings. You will receive over 23 exclusive instructional videos on ethical hacking in the areas of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)! Injection Broken Authentication Sensitive Data Exposure XML External Entities (XXE) Broken Access Control Security Misconfiguration Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Insecure Deserialization Using Components With Known Vulnerabilities Insufficient Logging & Monitoring You will learn both lectures and tutorials in web ethical hacking! You will learn how to utilize tools like BlackWidow, OWASP ZAP, SQLMAP and more! Manual and automated web penetration testing tools You will learn new modern hacking techniques against existing platforms and technologies! You will learn bug bounty hunting! You will learn web penetration testing using BurpSuite extensively! Target Proxy Spider Scanner Intruder Repeater Sequencer Decoder Comparer Extender Options Alerts Come join thousands of students who have learned from the top ethical hacking and penetration testing instructor, Loi Liang Yang, now! Who this course is for: Interested in learning about cyber-security. Want to learn about ethical hacking and penetration testing Want to learn about defending against cyber attacks. Want to learn about Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Want to learn how to perform ethical hacking on web applications Want to learn how to protect against hacking techniques on web applications [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  2. Description Hello there, Welcome to ” HackTheBox – Upskill Your Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking ” course. TryHackMe & HackTheBox with Kali Linux. Learn Ethical Hacking, Cybersecurity, Penetration Testing through gamified labs Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, we offer practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. In this course, we will show you a platform that really helps you to get your place in cybersecurity field. HackTheBox is a platform that delivers real-world cyber-security training. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete novice in the security field or a seasoned CTF veteran. HackTheBox has you covered, from a variety of learning paths/walkthroughs/labs to competing against crazy hackers on scoreboards. You don’t need a good computer for preparing a lab. In HackTheBox labs already prepared. Hack The Box is a leading gamified cybersecurity upskilling, certification, and talent assessment software platform enabling individuals, businesses, government institutions, and universities to sharpen their offensive and defensive security expertise. Hack The Box is a massive hacking playground, and infosec community of over 1.7m platform members who learn, hack, play, exchange ideas and methodologies. An online cybersecurity training platform that allows individuals, businesses, universities, and all kinds of organizations all around the world to level up their offensive and defensive security skills through a fully gamified and engaging learning environment. The need for qualified cyber security professionals has never been greater. Cyber attacks are increasing, and so is the cyber security skills gap. Unfortunately, expensive courses and certifications makes it harder for individuals to get into the industry. HackTheBox is created to make learning cyber security more affordable and more accessible, removing as many barries to entry as possible. Hack The Box gives individuals, businesses and universities the tools they need to continuously improve their cybersecurity capabilities — all in one place. At the end of the course you will learn; What is HackTheBox? HackTheBox Dashboard Free and Subscribe verson differences HTB (HackTheBox) Academy Connection to the VPN Server (Windows, MAC, Linux) HackTheBox Lab Practice Room Kali Linux Basic Linux Commands Configuring Kali Linux Network Scanning Tools in Kali Wireshark Nmap FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking : What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… FAQ regarding Penetration Testing : What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, or pen testing, is the process of attacking an enterprise’s network to find any vulnerabilities that could be present to be patched. Ethical hackers and security experts carry out these tests to find any weak spots in a system’s security before hackers with malicious intent find them and exploit them. Someone who has no previous knowledge of the system’s security usually performs these tests, making it easier to find vulnerabilities that the development team may have overlooked. You can perform penetration testing using manual or automated technologies to compromise servers, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other exposure points. What are the different types of penetration testing? There are many types of penetration testing. Internal penetration testing tests an enterprise’s internal network. This test can determine how much damage can be caused by an employee. An external penetration test targets a company’s externally facing technology like their website or their network. Companies use these tests to determine how an anonymous hacker can attack a system. In a covert penetration test, also known as a double-blind penetration test, few people in the company will know that a pen test is occurring, including any security professional. This type of test will test not only systems but a company’s response to an active attack. With a closed-box penetration test, a hacker may know nothing about the enterprise under attack other than its name. In an open-box test, the hacker will receive some information about a company’s security to aid them in the attack. What are the different stages of penetration testing? Penetration tests have five different stages. The first stage defines the goals and scope of the test and the testing methods that will be used. Security experts will also gather intelligence on the company’s system to better understand the target. The second stage of a pen test is scanning the target application or network to determine how they will respond to an attack. You can do this through a static analysis of application code and dynamic scans of running applications and networks. The third stage is the attack phase, when possible vulnerabilities discovered in the last stage are attacked with various hacking methods. In the fourth stage of a penetration test, the tester attempts to maintain access to the system to steal any sensitive data or damaging systems. The fifth and final stage of a pen test is the reporting phase, when testers compile the test results. Why do you want to take this Course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you sign up, you will feel the Instructor’s expertise. Our instructors answer questions sent by students to our instructors within 48 hours at the latest. Quality of Video and Audio Production All our videos are created/produced in high-quality video and audio to provide you with the best learning experience. In this course, you will have the following: • Lifetime Access to the Course • Quick and Answer in the Q&A Easy Support • Udemy Certificate of Completion Available for Download • We offer full support by answering any questions. Now dive into ” HackTheBox – Upskill Your Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking ” course. TryHackMe & HackTheBox with Kali Linux. Learn Ethical Hacking, Cybersecurity, Penetration Testing through gamified labs See you at the Course! Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to learn ethical hacking with People who want to take their Hacking skills to the next level with Hack The Box Anyone who wants to learn cyber security in a fun way Anyone who wants to learn cyber security and ethical hacking wit hands-on cyber security training through real world scenarios Anyone who wants to connect with other like-minded cyber security students and join our huge TryHackMe community Requirements Desire to learn usage of HackTheBox Watching the lecture videos completely, to the end and in order. Internet Connection Any device you can watch the course, such as a mobile phone, computer or tablet. Determination and patience to learn HackTheBox to be better in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  3. Practical Ethical Hacking Learn how to hack like a pro by a pro. 25 hours of up to date practical hacking techniques with absolutely no filler. [Hidden Content]
  4. Recon for bug bounty, penetration testers & ethical hackers. The full methodology of website reconnaissance and bug bounty. What you’ll learn Recon on websites Gathering subdomains Gathering URLs Gathering parameters Information gathering Collecting sensitive data from websites Deep recon on the website Requirements Basic knowledge of Linux is required Basic knowledge of vulnerabilities Description This course is entirely made for website reconnaissance for bug bounty hunters, penetration testers & ethical hackers. This is an intermediate-level course. All the topics are discussed here regarding recon on websites. Some of the topics are what is a survey, what is recon, recon for bug bounty hunters and penetration testers, Subdomain enumeration, URL enumeration, parameter brute-forcing, Creating your recon tools, and many more… This course is entirely focused on website recon and vulnerability assessment. There will be the whole methodology of website reconnaissance, bug bounty hunting, and penetration testing. The videos are divided into small sections for the students to learn. All the resources are provided in the resource section, including links, pdf, and payloads used in the course. Course Curriculum : Introduction Introduction to recon Subdomain enumeration from tools Subdomain enumeration #1 Subdomain enumeration #2 Subdomain enumeration #3 Subdomain enumeration #4 Subdomain bruteforcing Filtering unique domains Subdomain generator Subdomain enumeration from websites Subdomain enumeration from website #1 Subdomain enumeration from website #2 Subdomain enumeration from website #3 Subdomain enumeration from website #4 Filtering live domains Filtering live domains URL extraction from the internet URL extraction from the internet #1 URL extraction from the internet #2 Finding parameters Finding parameters Parameter bruteforcer Finding URLs from past URL from past Sorting urls Sorting URLs for vulnerabilities Automation for replacing parameters with Payloads Automation for replacing parameters with Payloads Footprinting websites ( Website recon ) What web recon Netcraft Security headers Dnsdumpmaster Whois recon Mxtoolbox OSINT Maltego Browser add-ons for recon analyzer retire.js shodan Knoxx Hack-tools addon WAF identification WAF identification Subdomain takeover HostileSubBruteForcer Sub404 Subject Fuzzing (Content-Discovery) dir ffuf Port scanning Introduction to Nmap Port specification in nmap Service and version detection from nmap Firewall bypass technique Fast port scanning Nabu mass can Visual recon Gowitness Google Dorking Introduction to google Dorking Understanding the URL structure Syntax of google Dorking Google Dorking operators Google search operators ( Part – 1 ) Google search operators ( Part – 2 ) Google Dorking practical Introduction to practical google Dorking How to find directory listing vulnerabilities? How to dork for WordPress plugins and themes? How to work for web server versions? How to dork for application-generated system reports? Dorking for SQLi Reading materials for google Dorking Tips for advanced google Dorking Tip #1 Tip #2 Tip #3 Shodan Dorking Intro to shodan Dorking Shodan web interface Shodan search filters Shodan Dorking practical Finding server Finding files and directories Finding operating systems Finding compromised devices and websites Shodan command line Introduction to the shodan command line Practical shodan in command line Github Dorking Introduction to GitHub Dorking Github Dorking practical Vulnerability scanning Nuclei Wp-Scan Scanning with burp suite Metasploit for recon DNS recon using Metasploit Sub-domain enumeration using Metasploit E-mail address finding Port scanning using Metasploit TCP SYN port scan using Metasploit SSH version detection FTP version enumeration MySQL version detection HTTP enumeration Payloads for bug bounty hunters Payloads for bug hunters and penetration testers How to create tools for recon? SSRF finder tool XSS finding too URL extractor from javascript files Full website recon tool Bonus Bonus video Thank you 🙂 Vivek Pandit Who this course is for: Bug bounty hunters, penetration testers, ethical hackers, etc. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  5. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course 🔰 🌀 Hacking Lab setup | Kali Linux 101 🌀 Anonymity Online | Dark Web 🌀 Network Pentesting | Wireless Attacks 🌀 Post Connection Attacks | System Pentest 🌀 Attacks On users | Social Engineering 🌀 Social Media Security | Beef 🌀 External Networks Attacks | SQL 101 🌀 Fake Game Website Attack | SQL Injection 🌀 Post Hacking Sessions | Essentials 🌀 Hacker Methodology | Functions 🌀 Website Reconnaissance | Pentesting 🌀 Website Pentesting Tools | Mac Changer 🌀 Ethical Hacking Certifications | Packet Listener 🌀 Python For Ethical Hacking | Network Scanner 🌀 Python Data type & Structure | Control Statements & Loops 🌀 Object Oriented Programming | Packaging & Malicious files 🌀 Modules | Man In the Middle 🌀 Keylogger | Backdoor 🌀 Closing & Ethical Hacker's Handbook Etc... 🔅 Size: 9.07 GB 🔗 Download Link - [Hidden Content]
  6. What you’ll learn How to use Metasploit How to Search Exploits How to use Exploits How to exploit Win 2k and Ubuntu 16 Requirements Kali Linux live USB Description This course teaches you the basics of metasploit, a popular hacking and exploitation tool. You will learn how to do basic port scanning and how to configure and run exploits. You’ll also be able to create malicious executables that take over the targets computer. The course contains a demonstration of running an exploit that crashes a Windows 2000 computer. By the end of this course, you should be able to configure and run exploits, to run brute force password attacks and also to create malicious executables that give you complete remote control over the targets computer. That includes doing things like downloading files, browsing files, uploading files, taking screenshots, recording the microphone, starting web cam and much more. This is a beginners course, you don’t need any prior knowledge about ethical hacking but you should have Kali Linux at hand. Kali Linux is a system that is designed for hacking, which happens to be Linux based. You can get this system for free, by downloading the iso file and putting it onto a usb. A more simple way is to just ship a Kali Linux Live USB to your home address. Once you start Kali, you’ll have many hacking tools at hand Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  7. This book gives you the skills you need to use Python for penetration testing, with the help of detailed code examples. This book has been updated for Python 3.6.3 and Kali Linux 2018.1. Key Features Detect and avoid various attack types that put the privacy of a system at risk Leverage Python to build efficient code and eventually build a robust environment Learn about securing wireless applications and information gathering on a web server Book Description This book gives you the skills you need to use Python for penetration testing (pentesting), with the help of detailed code examples. We start by exploring the basics of networking with Python and then proceed to network hacking. Then, you will delve into exploring Python libraries to perform various types of pentesting and ethical hacking techniques. Next, we delve into hacking the application layer, where we start by gathering information from a website. We then move on to concepts related to website hacking―such as parameter tampering, DDoS, XSS, and SQL injection. By reading this book, you will learn different techniques and methodologies that will familiarize you with Python pentesting techniques, how to protect yourself, and how to create automated programs to find the admin console, SQL injection, and XSS attacks. What you will learn The basics of network pentesting including network scanning and sniffing Wireless, wired attacks, and building traps for attack and torrent detection Web server footprinting and web application attacks, including the XSS and SQL injection attack Wireless frames and how to obtain information such as SSID, BSSID, and the channel number from a wireless frame using a Python script The importance of web server signatures, email gathering, and why knowing the server signature is the first step in hacking Who This Book Is For If you are a Python programmer, a security researcher, or an ethical hacker and are interested in penetration testing with the help of Python, then this book is for you. Even if you are new to the field of ethical hacking, this book can help you find the vulnerabilities in your system so that you are ready to tackle any kind of attack or intrusion. Table of Contents PYTHON WITH PENETRATION TESTING AND NETWORKING SCANNING PENTESTING SNIFFING AND PENETRATION TESTING Network Attacks and Prevention WIRELESS PENTESTING Honeypot, Building A Trap for attackers FOOTPRINTING OF A WEB SERVER AND A WEB APPLICATION CLIENT-SIDE AND DDOS ATTACKS PENTESTING OF SQLI AND XSS [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  8. Become an ethical hacker that can hack computer systems like black hat hackers and secure them like security experts. What you’ll learn Ethical Hacking Essentials The Ethical Hacking Process Linux Basics Web App Basics Networking Essentials + Wireshark Nmap Port Scanner Python Basics Black Hat Techniques Mr. Robot TV Show in Real life Requirements Nothing just Patience and Eager to Learn! Description What is Ethical Hacking? Ethical hacking is an accepted practice of detecting vulnerabilities in an application, system, or organization’s infrastructure and bypassing system security to identify potential data breaches and threats in a network. Ethical hackers aim to investigate the system or network for weak points that malicious hackers can exploit or destroy. They can improve the security footprint to withstand attacks better or divert them. The company that owns the system or network allows Cyber Security engineers to perform such activities to test the system’s defenses. Thus, unlike malicious hacking, this process is planned, approved, and more importantly, legal. Ethical hackers aim to investigate the system or network for weak points that malicious hackers can exploit or destroy. They collect and analyze the information to figure out ways to strengthen the security of the system/network/applications. By doing so, they can improve the security footprint to better withstand attacks or divert them. Ethical hackers are hired by organizations to look into the vulnerabilities of their systems and networks and develop solutions to prevent data breaches. Consider it a high-tech permutation of the old saying “It takes a thief to catch a thief.” They check for key vulnerabilities including but not limited to: Injection attacks Changes in security settings Exposure to sensitive data A breach in authentication protocols Components used in the system or network that may be used as access points Who this course is for: Ethical Hackers System Administrator DevSecOps Engineers Security Engineers Cyber Security Engineers DevOps Engineers Developers Cloud Engineers IT Engineers [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  9. Description Welcome to the “Ethical Hacking: Network Scan Nmap& Nessus| Network Security” course. Scan networks with vulnerabilities by using Nmap& Nessus. Master Cyber Security, ethical hacking, network hacking skills This is our 3rd course in our Ethical Hacking series. Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Cyber security is one that is definitely trending with a top-notch salary to match! Ethical hackers and cyber security professionals are some of the most in-demand professionals today as the world is experiencing a major skill shortage in the field of cyber security. It’s predicted we’ll have a global shortfall of 3.5 million cyber security jobs. The average salary for Cyber Security jobs is $80,000. If you are ready to jump in cyber security career, this course is a great place for you to start. During this ethical hacking course, I will teach you beautiful side of the hacking. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Udemy has a course for you. I wanted to use “Hacking Essentials” in front of the name of the course, but size limit didn’t allow it in Ethical Hacking . Why “hacking essentials”? To be able to perform a successful penetration testing or ethical hacking, first, you have to know all the secrets of your targets. You should find all the systems and network devices of your target network before proceeding an ethical hacking operation. On my complete course, you`ll discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap . You’ll learn all the details of Nmap , which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installing nmap by hands on lessons, you will be able to use it as an ip port scanner, open port tester and checking for devices’ operating system and other features in ethical hacking . Then in further lessons, we’ll scan the vulnerabilities of the network we discovered by using Nessus. Nessus is the most known vulnerability scanner and is in the third place of the most popular cyber security tools. This course starts at beginner levels so you don’t need to have a previous knowledge of network scanning, finding vulnerabilities in devices, using Nmap & using Nessus in Ethical Hacking. In this course I tried to show the importance of using free tools and platforms, so you don’t need to buy any tool or application. By registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want. In this course, we will learn how to use, Nmap, an active information collection tool and in this case which is the second step. On my complete Nmap course, you`ll discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap. You’ll learn all the details of Nmap, which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installing Nmap by hands-on lessons, you will be able to use it as an IP port scanner, open port tester and checking for devices’ operating systems and other features. A step by step approach will help you to track your progress on the go and learn needed skills gradually at your own pace. At the end of this course, you will both have a knowledge and a practical skill set about using network scanning, finding vulnerabilities on systems and learning the general competencies of ethical hackers. In this course you will learn; What is the TCP/IP model and how does it work What is OSI model? How does it work What is Port? What is the TCP/UDP port How to scan TCP or UDP services How active services are detected How to scan without getting caught in IPS & IDS systems How to interpret Nmap outputs Nmap scripting (NSE) and more Network Hacking Network Security ethical Ethical Intelligence nmap nessus nmap course nmap metaspolit Complete nmap Kali linux nmap ethical hacking penetration testing bug bounty hack cyber security kali linux android hacking network security hacking security security testing nmap Here’s just some of what you’ll learn by the end of course, Understand the main terminology of Network Scanning and Finding Vulnerabilities in devices in a network Using Nmap with full knowledge and experience How to scan a network for scripts Learn about network scan types Learn how to use Hping And much, much more….We have also added practical lab sessions in our course for sharping up your skills. Also after completion of the course, a certificate will be created for your arsenal. In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especially avoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and gotten them out. I have been working as a cyber security specialist and college instructor for 10 years after a decade of software engineering experience. I am the cyber security expert and the mentor of junior penetration testers as a Certified Ethical Hacker. I performed and managed internal/external/on-site/remote penetration tests & vulnerability assessments at top level financial institutions including global banks HSBC, City Bank, ING Bank; and much other public & private organisations. As a result of this expertise, I’m working with a handcrafted detail for creating the best and necessary content for my students. This approach also can be seen in my previous course’s reviews. See what my fellow students have to say: “Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in the security field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning.” – Pragya Nidhi “Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed… An effective real introduction to pentest.” – Ben Dursun “All applied and easy to grasp the content. Looking forward to getting next training of the lecturer.” – Jim Dowson “I liked this course! Lots of topics were covered. What I liked the most is the variety of tools used in this course. This way, someone who is willing to learn can pick up the tool that he is interested in and dive more into details. The most important thing is the experienced instructor who takes comments and reviews into consideration and gets back to you whenever there is room for improvement or new topics that might be interesting to you. I can summarise all in two words. I learned!” – Rami Zebian This is the best tech-related course I’ve taken and I have taken quite a few. Having limited networking experience and absolutely no experience with hacking or ethical hacking, I’ve learned, practiced, and understood how to perform hacks in just a few days. I’m always updating this course with fresh content, too FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking : What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist. For keeping up with that pace I’m always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge.After buying this course, you’ll have lifetime access to it and any future updates. I’ll personally answer all your questions As if this course wasn’t complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the “Ethical Hacking: Network Scan Nmap& Nessus| Network Security” course. Scan networks with vulnerabilities by using Nmap& Nessus. Master Cyber Security, ethical hacking, network hacking skills IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to learn network scan techniques by using Nmap Anyone who wants to learn finding vulnerabilities in devices in a network by using Nessus Anyone who to learn script scanning in a network People who are willing to make a career in Cyber Security Cyber Security Consultants who support / will support organizations for creating a more secure environment Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker People who want to take their ethical hacking skills to the next level Requirements 4 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (8 GB recommended) for ethical hacking and penetration testing 64-bit system processor is mandatory 10 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking and Nmap Nessus course Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as “Intel-VTx” Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) All items referenced in this course are Free A computer for installing all the free software and tools needed to practice A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking A strong work ethic, willingness to learn and plenty of excitement about the back door of the digital world Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. Introduction to cyber-security and ethical hacking platforms and learn from the top ethical hacker and penetration testing instructor, Loi Liang Yang, who has over 200,000 subscribers across the globe with more than 5 million views on his security content. Contents: Introduction to cyber-security Reconnaissance Security standards Exploitation Security hardening and configuration Social engineering Web, application, and database vulnerabilities Creation of payload Who this course is for: Beginners to pros interested in learning ethical hacking [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  11. What you'll learn Pluralsight is not an official partner or accredited training center of EC-Council. Great! You have just finished setting up your wireless network. You did everything you were suppose to, like giving your SSID a unique name and securing your network with a strong password, so that someone can't piggyback off your network. Now that you are "safe and secure," you don't have to worry about hackers right? SLOW DOWN there skippy. While you have taken the "basic" steps required, you still need to be aware of some hacking methods that can be used to gain access to your network, despite your precautions. You also need to be very wary whenever you are accessing the network that is not your own, and let's not forget about other wireless technology; Bluetooth. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. [Hidden Content]. Table of contents Insights into Wireless Encryption in Wireless Threats from Wireless The Methodology of Hacking Wireless Hacking Bluetooth Countermeasures About the autho [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. Ethical Hacking: Techniques, Tools, and Countermeasures, Fourth Edition, covers the basic strategies and tools that prepare students to engage in proactive and aggressive cyber security activities, with an increased focus on Pen testing and Red Teams. Written by subject matter experts, with numerous real-world examples, the Fourth Edition provides readers with a clear, comprehensive introduction to the many threats on the security of our cyber environments and what can be done to combat them. The text begins with an examination of the landscape, key terms, and concepts that a security professional needs to know about hackers and computer criminals who break into networks, steal information, and corrupt data. Part II provides a technical overview of hacking: how attackers target cyber resources and the methodologies they follow. Part III studies those methods that are most effective when dealing with hacking attacks, especially in an age of increased reliance on distributed devices. Part of the Jones & Bartlett Learning Information Systems Security & Assurance Series! Click here to learn more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. ➡️ Introduction ➡️ Hacking lab setup ➡️ kali linux ➡️ Anonymity online ➡️ Dark Web ➡️ Network pentesting ➡️Gathering information from network ➡️ Wireless attack ➡️Post connection attack ➡️ System pentesting ➡️ Attack on user ➡️ Social engineering ➡️ Social media security ➡️ Beef ➡️ External network attacks ➡️ Fake game website attack introduction ➡️ Post hacking session ➡️ Hacker methodology ➡️ Website reconnaissance ➡️ Website pentesting ➡️ Cross site scripting ➡️ SQL ➡️ SQL injection ➡️ Website pentesting tool ➡️ Ethical hacking certificate ➡️ Python for ethical hacking setup ➡️ Python data types & structure introduction ➡️ Essential ➡️ Function ➡️ Object oriented programming ➡️ Module ➡️ MAC Changer ➡️ Network scanner ➡️ Man in the middle ➡️ Packet listener ➡️ Keylogger ➡️ Backdoor ➡️ Packaging and malicious file ➡️ Closing & ethical hacking handbook [hide][Hidden Content]]
  14. Description Microsoft Windows is one of the most popular operating systems used worldwide. Windows includes an abundance of pre-installed applications, drivers, and updates. This high usage rate has led to Windows becoming a popular target for hackers. One of the most notorious exploits aimed at Windows is Eternal Blue. Exploits based on the infamous Windows blue screen of death exploit allow malicious users to take complete control of a targeted computer. Eternal Blue exploits a flaw in Microsoft’s implementation of the SMB protocol. The exploit allows for remote, persistent access to a compromised computer. After gaining access, an Eternal Blue hacker can gain further foothold by installing malicious programs and completing other tasks As the world becomes more connected and dependent on technology, many will become targets for cyberattacks. Many corporations lack the necessary cyber security measures to keep their systems safe. Consequently, hackers routinely exploit known security vulnerabilities in order to gain access to computer systems without authorization. Many users do not update their software and do not have antivirus protection- making them particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. In this course you will learn how to exploit a Windows 7 64-bit system using the Eternal Blue exploit. You will learn how to use the meterpreter shell, how to crack passwords and do privilege escalation. Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers Requirements Basic Linux skills recommended A Windows 7 computer (virtual machine or physical machine) [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  15. Description Welcome to “TryHackMe – Learn Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking with Fun“ TryHackMe & Kali Linux to boost Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking. Penetration Testing skills in prep for certified hacker TryHackMe is an online platform that teaches cyber security through short, gamified real-world labs. The plaform has content for both complete beginners and seasoned hackers, incorporation guides and challenges to cater for different learning styles. Ethical hacking, hacking, penetration testing, Tryhackme, certified ethical hacker, kali linux, cyber security, security, hack, ultimate bug bounty Cyber security is the knowledge and practice of keeping information safe on the internet. It can mean keeping your personal information safe when you browse the internet and visit your favorite websites and social media pages. Ethical hacking (or penetration testing) involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Metasploit, Oak Academy has a course for you. Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution released in March of 2013, primarily created for advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. It used to be known as BackTrack Linux. Learning security is too theory oriented, with little opportunity to get hands-on, practical experience. You don’t need to know anything for this course. Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. In this course, we will show you a platform that really helps you to get your place in cybersecurity field. Ethical hacking (or penetration testing) involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. TryHackMe gives students their own personal hackable machine, deployable by 1 click of a button, which allows them to put their knowledge into practice. TryHackMe wants individuals to learn cyber security skills and methodology that will be relevant and applicable to the real world. Learning cyber security on TryHackMe is fun and addictive. Earn points by answering questions, taking on challenges and maintain your hacking streak through short lessons. TryHackMe takes the pain out of learning and teaching Cybersecurity. The platform makes it a comfortable experience to learn by designing prebuilt courses which include virtual machines (VM) hosted in the cloud ready to be deployed. This avoids the hassle of downloading and configuring VM’s. TryHackMe is a platform that delivers real-world cyber-security training. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete novice in the security field or a seasoned CTF veteran. TryHackMe has you covered, from a variety of learning paths/walkthroughs/labs to competing against crazy hackers on scoreboards TryHackMe is created to make learning cyber security more affordable and more accessible, removing as many barries to entry as possible. You don’t need a good computer for preparing a lab. In TryHackMe labs already prepared. To allow users to share their knowledge, TryHackMe allows other users (at no charge) to create a virtual room, which contains a combination of theoretical and practical learning components. In early 2019, Jon Peters started creating rooms and suggested the platform build up a community, a task he took on and succeeded in. The need for qualified cyber security professionals has never been greater. Cyber attacks are increasing, and so is the cyber security skills gap. Unfortunately, expensive courses and certifications makes it harder for individuals to get into the industry. FAQ about TryHackMe What is TryHackMe? TryHackMe is an online platform that teaches cyber security through short, gamified real-world labs. TryHackMe have content for both complete beginners and seasoned hackers, incorporation guides and challenges to cater for different learning styles. What is TryHackMe used for? TryHackMe takes the pain out of learning and teaching Cybersecurity. Our platform makes it a comfortable experience to learn by designing prebuilt courses which include virtual machines (VM) hosted in the cloud ready to be deployed. This avoids the hassle of downloading and configuring VM’s. Is TryHackMe free? TryHackMe has a both a free and subscription model. The free tier allows access to a large number of ‘rooms’ or ‘hacktivities’, whilst the subscription-based offer allows full access to the site. Is TryHackMe free for students? 20% student discount is guaranteed to accounts created using a student e-mail address. TryHackMe supports all student e-mail addresses and automatically recognizes domains like . edu and . ac .uk. Can TryHackMe get me a job? Many employers are actively looking for TryHackMe experience – if you type “TryHackMe” into job platforms like indeed, you can see companies who list us it desired experience. This is a great way to shortlist jobs to apply to. Does TryHackMe give certificates? Not only is the community a great place to ask about certs in general, rooms on TryHackMe can provide amazing and either free or low-cost practice – not to mention we supply one of the most popular cyber security certifications. Why do you want to take this Course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. Whether you work in machine learning or finance, Whether you’re pursuing a career in web development or data science, Python and data science are among the essential skills you can learn. Python’s simple syntax is particularly suitable for desktop, web, and business applications. The Python instructors at OAK Academy are experts in everything from software development to data analysis and are known for their practical, intimate instruction for students of all levels. Our trainers offer training quality as described above in every field, such as the Python programming language. London-based OAK Academy is an online training company. OAK Academy provides IT, Software, Design, and development training in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and many languages on the Udemy platform, with over 1000 hours of video training courses. OAK Academy not only increases the number of training series by publishing new courses but also updates its students about all the innovations of the previously published courses. When you sign up, you will feel the expertise of OAK Academy’s experienced developers. Our instructors answer questions sent by students to our instructors within 48 hours at the latest. Quality of Video and Audio Production All our videos are created/produced in high-quality video and audio to provide you with the best learning experience. In this course, you will have the following: • Lifetime Access to the Course • Quick and Answer in the Q&A Easy Support • Udemy Certificate of Completion Available for Download • We offer full support by answering any questions. Now dive into “TryHackMe – Learn Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking with Fun“ TryHackMe & Kali Linux to boost Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking. Penetration Testing skills in prep for certified hacker See you at the Course! Who this course is for: People who want to take their Hacking skills to the next level with TryHackMe Anyone who wants to learn ethical hacking with Anyone who wants to learn cyber security in a fun way Anyone who wants to learn cyber security and ethical hacking wit hands-on cyber security training through real world scenarios Connect with other like-minded cyber security students and join our huge TryHackMe community Requirements Desire to learn usage of TryHackMe Watching the lecture videos completely, to the end and in order. Internet Connection Any device you can watch the course, such as a mobile phone, computer or tablet. Determination and patience to learn TryHackMe for be better in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  16. With the growing digitalization of systems, businesses need to ensure that they are secure and capable of protecting their data. Hacking is a process of intruding on digital assets or devices to steal sensitive or confidential data. In contrast, Ethical Hacking is also hacking but a good one. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about becoming an Ethical Hacker. So let’s dive right in! Table of Content: Who is an Ethical Hacker? Role of an Ethical Hacker How to become an Ethical Hacker? Top skills How to become one? What is the salary of an Ethical Hacker? Conclusion Who is an Ethical Hacker? Ethical Hackers are the good guys fighting cyber security threats and fixing security vulnerabilities within digital systems to avoid data theft. Ethical hackers are appointed by businesses to check the security of their systems and processes to ensure complete comprehensive data protection from hackers. Ethical Hacker, with permission and by all proper authorization, penetrates inside the network and other systems to check for any loopholes or vulnerabilities. They think like hackers who attack these systems to steal data for personal or economic gains. Ethical Hackers need to stay updated on all the advancements in the field of hacking, the modus operandi of big hacking groups, new tools, and new methods of hacking systems to stay ahead of hackers to offer complete protection to the organization they are working for. Technical skills are crucial for an Ethical hacker’s career path, and enrolling in an ethical hacking course will help you get access to structured content. Role of an Ethical Hacker Every company will need more expertise to ensure its data is secure from cyber-attacks. So they employ Ethical Hackers to check and fix issues to enable a more secure environment. So, an Ethical Hacker’s roles and responsibilities are: Hack own systems: Ethical Hackers’ main responsibility is to hack into their systems to scan for any security vulnerabilities and loopholes that hackers could use to hack into the system. Document the findings: They also need to document all they find properly, and any security loopholes that could become a threat to hackers could use. Fix the security loopholes: After penetrating the system and documenting the findings, Ethical Hackers have to fix the security loopholes to ensure no security breach happens under any condition. Ensure that sensitive information is safe: Ethical Hackers should never disclose their findings under any conditions to others. They also have to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. Diffuse hacker’s attempt: The core task of Ethical Hackers is to diffuse hackers’ attempts to attempt a security breach to steal confidential information. They have to think like a hacker while hacking into these systems to ensure that their security systems are in good condition and fix any loopholes, security weaknesses, and vulnerabilities that a hacker could take advantage of. How to become an Ethical Hacker? There are several technical skills that you must acquire to become an Ethical Hacker: Top skills: We will discuss the following one by one: Computer Skills Before becoming an Ethical hacker, one needs to master all computer systems. These skills include Data processing, presentations, managing databases, programming, spreadsheets, Social Media, Enterprise systems, etc. Gain expertise on LINUX It’s very important to gain expertise in LINUX, as it offers the best security for computer systems and is also the most used OS for hacking purposes. Kali LINUX is one of the most popular LINUX distributions used for hacking. Learn Computer Networking Computer Network is an interconnection of multiple devices for the transmission of data. Learning computer networks like Subnetting, Supernetting, and DHCP will offer more insights into computer networking which will help ethical hackers to understand the potential security threats and how to handle them. Programming Skills Programming is a must if you wish to become an Ethical Hacker. So the best and only way to master this skill is to write a lot of code! Practice is the mantra to gain mastery over programming. Ethical hackers use some of the most popular programming languages: Python, SQL, C, JavaScript, PHP, C++, Ruby, etc. You must have basic hardware knowledge. Hardware is all the physical devices that form a part of a computer, like CPU (Central Processing Unit), graphic card, motherboard, storage devices, mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc. Database and Cryptography An Ethical Hacker must have a good understanding of databases and how to store, retrieve, and handle them, as all the data about a business will be stored in a database. So Ethical Hackers must ensure total security around it. Cryptography is a very important and crucial skill one must acquire to become an expert in Ethical hacking. It helps convert normal texts into unreadable cipher text that will ensure that data remains secure. Problem Solving It not only pertained to Ethical hacking but, in general, as time progresses. Problem Solving is such an important skill that everyone should pay attention to. This single attitude and skill will help you learn everything else. How to become one? Suppose you are a beginner at Ethical hacking; it’s best to have an undergraduate degree. If you have one, you could acquire all the top skills mentioned above. Meanwhile, getting into internships, coding boot camps, and other competitions will help you gain real-time experience. ‘ In addition, social networking skills will be game-changing for your career. So start networking with professionals, interact with them, learn from them, get their advice, and get your codes reviewed; these all will help you upskill fast and become an Ethical hacker. What is the salary of an Ethical Hacker? Ethical Hacker is a good career today, and in the coming time, a secure data environment is essential. An Ethical Hacker in the US will earn an annual average of USD 96,675, which varies with skills, certification, experience, and location. Conclusion I hope that this article clarifies what an ethical hacker is, how to become one, and the top skills one needs to possess.
  17. Description Welcome to Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course. Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Oak Academy has a course for you. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. In this course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Ethical Hacking skills. Our Student says that: This is the best tech-related course I’ve taken and I have taken quite a few. Having limited networking experience and absolutely no experience with hacking or ethical hacking, I’ve learned, practiced, and understood how to perform hacks in just a few days. I was an absolute novice when it came to anything related to penetration testing and cybersecurity. After taking this course for over a month, I’m much more familiar and comfortable with the terms and techniques and plan to use them soon in bug bounties. FAQ regarding Ethical Hacking on Udemy: What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… FAQ regarding Penetration Testing on Udemy: What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, or pen testing, is the process of attacking an enterprise’s network to find any vulnerabilities that could be present to be patched. Ethical hackers and security experts carry out these tests to find any weak spots in a system’s security before hackers with malicious intent find them and exploit them. Someone who has no previous knowledge of the system’s security usually performs these tests, making it easier to find vulnerabilities that the development team may have overlooked. You can perform penetration testing using manual or automated technologies to compromise servers, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other exposure points. What are the different types of penetration testing? There are many types of penetration testing. Internal penetration testing tests an enterprise’s internal network. This test can determine how much damage can be caused by an employee. An external penetration test targets a company’s externally facing technology like their website or their network. Companies use these tests to determine how an anonymous hacker can attack a system. In a covert penetration test, also known as a double-blind penetration test, few people in the company will know that a pen test is occurring, including any security professional. This type of test will test not only systems but a company’s response to an active attack. With a closed-box penetration test, a hacker may know nothing about the enterprise under attack other than its name. In an open-box test, the hacker will receive some information about a company’s security to aid them in the attack. What are the different stages of penetration testing? Penetration tests have five different stages. The first stage defines the goals and scope of the test and the testing methods that will be used. Security experts will also gather intelligence on the company’s system to better understand the target. The second stage of a pen test is scanning the target application or network to determine how they will respond to an attack. You can do this through a static analysis of application code and dynamic scans of running applications and networks. The third stage is the attack phase, when possible vulnerabilities discovered in the last stage are attacked with various hacking methods. In the fourth stage of a penetration test, the tester attempts to maintain access to the system to steal any sensitive data or damaging systems. The fifth and final stage of a pen test is the reporting phase, when testers compile the test results. Hi there, Are you ready to gain new cybersecurity skills to improve your career opportunities? Are you looking for a career in penetration testing? If you are planning an Ethical Hacking career and if this is something that interests you then you are at the right place. OAK Academy wants you to know we’re here to help. Network Security ethical Ethical Intelligence nmap nessus nmap course nmap metaspolit Complete nmap Kali linux nmap ethical hacking penetration testing bug bounty hack cyber security kali linux android hacking network security hacking security security testing nmap metasploit metasploit framework penetration testing oscp security testing windows hacking exploit bug bounty bug bounty hunting website hacking web hacking pentest+ pentest plus OSINT (Open Source Intelligent ) social engineering phishing social engineering tool kit ethical hacking metasploit password cracking penetration testing hacking cracking ethical hacking and penetration testing phishing oak academy crack complete ethical hacking nessus web hacking ethical hacking course white hat hacker web penetration testing complete ethical hack the complete ethical hacking course antivirus evasion password hack white hat hacking password hacking hacking course nmap metasploit shodan kali linux penetration hack web penetration web security complete ethical hacking course certified ethical hacking ruby burp armitage hacker cve nmap course ethical hacking hacking become ethical hacker oak academy ethical hacking 2021 penetration testing ethical hacker in 15 hours hacking 2021 become ethical hacker in 15 ethical hacking in 15 hours hacker ethical hacking and penetration testing ethical become ethical hacker in 15 hours 2021 malware become ethical hacker in 15 hour password cracking nessus ethical hacker 15 ethical hacker ethical hacker 15 hours become an ethical hacker ethical hacking 15 hours black hat hacking become ethical hacker in ethical hacking social media android hacking penetration learn ethical hacking hack 2021 javascript hacking shodan msfconsole passwordhack become a hacker ethical hacking metasploit password cracking Last year, Penetration Testers ranked as one of the 3 most in-demand jobs in the growing cybersecurity job market, and with our guided learning you’ll gain real-world, hands-on experience with the latest technologies. Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – 2021 provides you with the latest free tools and resources to grow your knowledge and achieve your career goals. Our video courses cover a broad range of topics and are accessible anytime, anywhere. You can gain real, hands-on experience from the comfort of your own home. No experience? Not a Problem If you don’t have any previous experience in Ethical Hacking, not a problem! Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours is for everyone! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. With this course, you will have a chance to learn to identify and expose weaknesses in an organization’s network with the same methods black hat hackers use to exploit their victims. And if you are a pro-Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones. Free Ethical Hacking Tools The good news is: All applications and tools recommended are free. So you don’t need to buy any tool or application. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work. So you will also learn all the tips and tricks so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers’ expertise. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you’ll also be very confident, and hungry to learn more. T Video and Audio Production Quality All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be, Seeing clearly Hearing clearly Moving through the course without distractions You’ll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Dive in now to our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours – | Ethical Hacking 2021 course We offer full support, answering any questions. See you in the Ethical Hacking: Become Ethical Hacker | Penetration Testing course! Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty and Ethical Hacking skills for your Certified Ethical Hacker career IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: People who want to start from scratch and to move more advanced level People who are cyber security experts People who want job transition into Cyber Security System administrators who are on the front lines defending their systems and responding to attacks Other security personnel who are first responders when systems are under attack People who want to take their Ethical Hacking skills to the next level Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker in become ethical hacking and penetration testing course People who want to take their hacking skills to the next level in become ethical hacking penetration testing course Requirements 8 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher for ethical hacking and penetration testing (16 GB recommended) 64-bit system processor is mandatory for full ethical hacking and penetration testing course 20 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today in penetration testing [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  18. Description Web applications combine complexity and exposure to networks. JavaScript and the web offer great power, but also many opportunities to leave doors open to hackers. Ethical hacking lets you find those open doors before they can be exploited, and ensure that your sites and applications stay safe. This course was designed to equip JavaScript developers with ethical hacking techniques and tools that can help them boost the security of their JavaScript code. Instructor Emmanuel Henri shows how to put together an attack strategy and do some reconnaissance work using key tools, including Snyk, which automates finding and fixing vulnerabilities in projects. He also dives into some of the most common security threats out there, explaining what they are and how to spot them. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  19. Description Pluralsight is not an official partner or accredited training center of EC-Council. This is what it all comes down to. After we’ve done our research, we’ve found our target, and identified its services, shares, users and resources, it’s time to take total and complete control of this box. In turn, we then use this box to repeat our efforts to pwn more boxes within the network as well as grab any intellectual property that could be of great worth. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  20. View File Ethical Hacking Courses Collection Udemy Ethical Hacking Courses Collection Udemy + Bug Bounty Android Hacking + Bud Bounty Hunting Guide to an Advanced Earning Method + Bug Bounty Hunting Offensive Approach to Hunt Bugs + Bug Bounty Web Hacking + CISSP full Course 2020 + Hands on Penetration Testing Labs + Learn Cracking WI-FI passwords keys WEP, WPA WPA2 + Learn Python & Ethical Hacking from Scratch + Masters in Ethical Hacking with Android + Practical Bug Bounty + Practical Ethical Hacking RedTeam Blueprint – A unique guide to Ethical Hacking + Splunk Hands on the Complete Data Analytics + The Complete Ethical Hacking Course + The Complete Hacking Course, by Gerri Banfield + The Complete Namp No-Nonsense Course + Wi-Fi EthicalHacking with Kail + Windows Privilege Escalation for Begineers + Windows Privilege Escalation for OSCP & Beyond! Submitter dEEpEst Submitted 14/07/22 Category Libro Online Password ********  
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    Ethical Hacking Courses Collection Udemy + Bug Bounty Android Hacking + Bud Bounty Hunting Guide to an Advanced Earning Method + Bug Bounty Hunting Offensive Approach to Hunt Bugs + Bug Bounty Web Hacking + CISSP full Course 2020 + Hands on Penetration Testing Labs + Learn Cracking WI-FI passwords keys WEP, WPA WPA2 + Learn Python & Ethical Hacking from Scratch + Masters in Ethical Hacking with Android + Practical Bug Bounty + Practical Ethical Hacking RedTeam Blueprint – A unique guide to Ethical Hacking + Splunk Hands on the Complete Data Analytics + The Complete Ethical Hacking Course + The Complete Hacking Course, by Gerri Banfield + The Complete Namp No-Nonsense Course + Wi-Fi EthicalHacking with Kail + Windows Privilege Escalation for Begineers + Windows Privilege Escalation for OSCP & Beyond!
    $110 PRIV8
  22. Description The complete CEH video course with recorded labs by Dean Bushmiller Table of contents Welcome Mindmaps Notecards Activity Readings Lab Choices Professional Lab Setup Tools or Lab Command Syntax Step missing or Wrong order Exam Overview Quiz Practice LCA Ethical Hacking Overview Footprinting and Reconnaissance Footprinting and Reconnaissance Tools Footprinting and Reconnaissance Lab Recording Scanning Networks Scanning Networks Tools Scanning Networks Lab Recording Enumeration Enumeration Tools Enumeration Lab Recording Vulnerability Analysis Vulnerability Analysis Tools Vulnerability Analysis Lab Recording System Hacking System Hacking Tools System Hacking Lab Recording Malware Malware Tools Sniffing Sniffing Tools Sniffing Lab Recording Social Engineering Social Engineering Tools Denial of Service Denial of Service Tools Session Hijacking Session Hijacking Tools Session Hijacking Lab Recording Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Tools Web Servers Web Servers Tools Web Servers Lab Recording Web Applications Web Applications Tools Web Applications Lab Recording SQL Injection SQL Injection Tools SQL Injection Lab Recording Wireless Networks Wireless Networks Tools Mobile Platforms Internet of Things Cloud Computing Cryptography Cryptography Tools Metasploitable3 Lab setup walk-thru What is new this month in CEH [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  23. Become an expert and professional ethical hacker! Learn Network Security, Kali Linux, and other topics that nobody knows What you’ll learn Ethical Hacking Masterclass : From Zero to Binary Deep Fundamentals of Ethical Hacking Linux Permission Management Linux Network Manipulation Maltego Linux Software control Manage Linux Processes Linux Delete Files without traces Passive Information Gathering Requirements 4GB of RAM for Running VMWare and other programs Description *Printable online certificate available upon completion of course* Since the infancy of computers, hackers have been creatively solving problems. In the late 1950s, the MIT model railroad club was given a donation of parts, mostly old telephone equipment. The club’s members used this equipment to rig up a complex system that allowed multiple operators to control different parts of the track by dialing into the appropriate sections. They called this new and inventive use of telephone equipment hacking; many people consider this group to be the original hackers. The group moved on to programming on punch cards and ticker tape for early computers like the IBM 704 and the TX-0. While others were content with writing programs that just solved problems, the early hackers were obsessed with writing programs that solved problems well. A new program that could achieve the same result as an existing one but used fewer punch cards was considered better, even though it did the same thing. The key difference was how the program achieved its results—elegance. Hacker is a term for both those who write code and those who exploit it. Even though these two groups of hackers have different end goals, both groups use similar problem-solving techniques. Since an understanding of programming helps those who exploit, and an understanding of exploitation helps those who program, many hackers do both. Hacking is really just the act of finding a clever and counterintuitive solution to a problem. Program exploitation is a staple of hacking. It takes a creative mind to find these holes and to write programs that compensate for them. Sometimes these holes are the products of relatively obvious programmer errors, but there are some less obvious errors that have given birth to more complex exploit techniques that can be applied in many different places. You can get started in white-hat ethical hacking using Kali Linux, and this course starts you on that road by giving you an overview of security trends, where you will learn about the OSI security architecture. This will form the foundation for the rest of Beginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux. With the theory out of the way, you’ll move on to an introduction to VirtualBox, VMWare, networking terminologies, and common Linux commands, followed by the step-by-step procedures to build your own web server and acquire the skill to be anonymous. When you have finished the examples in the first part, of course, you will have all you need to carry out safe and ethical hacking experiments. After an introduction to Kali Linux, you will carry out your first penetration tests with Python and code raw binary packets for use in those tests. You will learn how to find secret directories of a target system, how to use a TCP client in Python and services, and how to do port scanning using Nmap. Along the way, you will learn how to collect important information; how to track e-mail; and how to use important tools such as Dmitry, Maltego, and others. You’ll also take a look at the five phases of penetration testing. After that, this course will cover SQL mapping and vulnerability analysis where you will learn about sniffing and spoofing, why ARP poisoning is a threat, how SniffJoke prevents poisoning, how to analyze protocols with Wireshark, and how to use sniffing packets with Scapy. Then, you will learn how to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities, how to use Sqlmap, and how to do brute-force or password attacks. In addition, you will learn how to use important hacking tools such as OpenVas, Nikto, Vega, and Burp Suite. Who this course is for: Beginner Ethical Hackers who want to learn more [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  24. Description Hello, Welcome to my “Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing with Free Tools” course. Learn hackers`Web Hacking, Network Scanning and Password Cracking tools such as Wireshark, Nmap, Metasploit, Maltego My name is Muharrem Aydin ( white-hat Hacker ), creator of the three best-selling Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing courses on Udemy. Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. Penetration testing skills make you a more marketable IT tech. Understanding how to exploit servers, networks, and applications means that you will also be able to better prevent malicious exploitation. From website and network hacking, to pen testing in Python and Metasploit, Oak Academy has a course for you. Ethical Hacking is in demand. Learn Ethical Hacking penetration testing, web hacking, Metasploit & become an ethical hacker. Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals. This time I’ve designed my “Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing with Free Tools” course, for YOU! This course is for everyone! If you don’t have any previous experience, not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. You’ll go from beginner to extremely high-level and I will take you through each step with hands-on examples. In this course, I have listed the web’s favorite ethical hacking / pentesting hacker tools as used by hackers, geeks, ethical hackers and security engineers (as well as black hat hackers). ★★★★★ All tools are free. So you don’t need to buy any tool or application. ★★★★★ You will learn the theory, background and trendy free tools used to leverage the most updated attacks in the hacking world with real-world examples and demos. In this course, you will first learn how to set up a lab ( Kali Linux ) and install needed software on your machine. Then you will learn; Network Scan Tools Wireshark, Hping, Nmap, Zenmap Vulnerability Scan Tool Nessus Exploitation Tool Metasploit Framework Password Cracking Tools Hydra, Cain and Abel, John The Ribber Information Gathering Over the Internet Tools SearchDiggity, Shodan, Maltego, Web Hacking Tools Burp Suite, ZAP, Beef, SQLMap Social Engineering and Phishing Tools Veil, Fatrat, Empire Project & Network Layer & Layer-2 Attacks Tools Yersinia for DHCP Starvation Here is the list of what you’ll learn by the end of course, Setting Up The Laboratory Set Up Kali Linux from VM Image Set Up Kali Linux from ISO File Set Up a Victim: Metasploitable Linux Set Up a Victim: OWASP Broken Web Applications Set Up a Victim: Windows System Network Scan Tools Wireshark: Sniffing the Network Traffic Wireshark: Following a Stream Wireshark: Summarise the Network TCPDump in Action Hping for Active Scan and DDoS Attacks Network Scan Tools – NMAP Ping Scan to Enumerate Network Hosts Introduction to Port Scan SYN Scan Port Scan Details TCP Scan UDP Scan Version Detection Operating System Detection Input & Output Management in Nmap Introduction to Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Nmap Scripting Engine: First Example Nmap Scripting Engine: Second Example Some Other Types of Scans: XMAS, ACK, etc. Idle (Stealth) Scan Vulnerability Scan Tool: Nessus Nessus: Introduction Download & Install Nessus Creating a Custom Policy Scanning Reporting Exploitation Tool: Metasploit Framework (MSF) MSF Console: Search Function & Ranking of the Exploits MSF Console: Configure & Run an Exploit Meeting with Meterpreter Meterpreter Basics on Linux Meterpreter Basics on Windows Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation Incognito Extension of Meterpreter Mimikatz in Meterpreter Post Modules of Metasploit Framework (MSF) Managing Post Modules of MSF Password Cracking Tools Hydra: Cracking the Password of a Web App Hydra: Online SSH Password Cracking Cain and Abel: Install & Run Cain and Abel: Gathering Hashes Cain & Abel: A Dictionary Attack Cain & Abel: A Brute Force Attack John the Ripper Information Gathering Over the Internet Tools SearchDiggity: A Search Engine Tool Information Gathering Over the Internet Tools SearchDiggity: A Search Engine Tool Shodan FOCA: Fingerprinting Organisations with Collected Archives The Harvester & Recon-NG Maltego – Visual Link Analysis Tool Web App Hacking Tools Burp Suite: Intercepting the HTTP Traffic Burp Suite: Intercepting the HTTPS Traffic Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): A Web App Vulnerability Scanner ZAP: Installation & Quick Scan ZAP: As a Personal Proxy ZAP: Intercepting the HTTPS Traffic ZAP: An Advanced Scan – Scanning a Website that Requires to Login SQLMap: Leveraging an SQL Injection Exploit Social Engineering and Phishing Tools Veil: Introduction Veil: In Action FatRat: Introduction FatRat: In Action Empire Project: Installation Empire in Action Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) for Phishing Network Layer & Layer-2 Attacks Tools GNS3: Let’s Create Our Network – Download & Install GNS3: Setting Up the First Project GNS3: Tool Components GNS3: Building the Network GNS3: Attaching VMware VMs (Including Kali) to the Network GNS3: Configuring Switch & Router (Cisco) and creating VLANs Macof for MAC Flood Ettercap for ARP Cache Poisoning What is Ethical Hacking and what is it used for ? Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission. Is Ethical Hacking a good career? Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals. What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know? In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code. Why do hackers use Linux? Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers. Is Ethical Hacking Legal? Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking principles. What is the Certified Ethical Hacker ( CEH ) Certification Exam? The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking. You can also make it known to the public if someone who has earned their CEH credentials has met or exceeded the minimum standards. You are also empowered to reinforce the usefulness and self-regulated nature of ethical hacking. The CEH exam doesn’t cater to specific security hardware or software vendors, such as Fortinet, Avira, Kaspersky, Cisco, or others, making it a vendor-neutral program. What is the Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM ) exam? Passing the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam indicates that the credentialed individual is an expert in the governance of information security, developing security programs and managing them, as well as managing incidents and risk. For someone to be considered “certified,” they must have passed the exam within the last five years, as well as work full-time in a related career, such as information security and IT administration. The exam tests individuals’ knowledge regarding the risks facing different systems, how to develop programs to assess and mitigate these risks, and how to ensure an organization’s information systems conform to internal and regulatory policies. The exam also assesses how a person can use tools to help an organization recover from a successful attack. What are the different types of hackers? The different types of hackers include white hat hackers who are ethical hackers and are authorized to hack systems, black hat hackers who are cybercriminals, and grey hat hackers, who fall in-between and may not damage your system but hack for personal gain. There are also red hat hackers who attack black hat hackers directly. Some call new hackers green hat hackers. These people aspire to be full-blown, respected hackers. State-sponsored hackers work for countries and hacktivists and use hacking to support or promote a philosophy. Sometimes a hacker can act as a whistleblower, hacking their own organization in order to expose hidden practices. There are also script kiddies and blue hat hackers. A script kiddie tries to impress their friends by launching scripts and download tools to take down websites and networks. When a script kiddie gets angry at… FAQ regarding Penetration Testing : What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, or pen testing, is the process of attacking an enterprise’s network to find any vulnerabilities that could be present to be patched. Ethical hackers and security experts carry out these tests to find any weak spots in a system’s security before hackers with malicious intent find them and exploit them. Someone who has no previous knowledge of the system’s security usually performs these tests, making it easier to find vulnerabilities that the development team may have overlooked. You can perform penetration testing using manual or automated technologies to compromise servers, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other exposure points. What are the different types of penetration testing? There are many types of penetration testing. Internal penetration testing tests an enterprise’s internal network. This test can determine how much damage can be caused by an employee. An external penetration test targets a company’s externally facing technology like their website or their network. Companies use these tests to determine how an anonymous hacker can attack a system. In a covert penetration test, also known as a double-blind penetration test, few people in the company will know that a pen test is occurring, including any security professional. This type of test will test not only systems but a company’s response to an active attack. With a closed-box penetration test, a hacker may know nothing about the enterprise under attack other than its name. In an open-box test, the hacker will receive some information about a company’s security to aid them in the attack. What are the different stages of penetration testing? Penetration tests have five different stages. The first stage defines the goals and scope of the test and the testing methods that will be used. Security experts will also gather intelligence on the company’s system to better understand the target. The second stage of a pen test is scanning the target application or network to determine how they will respond to an attack. You can do this through a static analysis of application code and dynamic scans of running applications and networks. The third stage is the attack phase, when possible vulnerabilities discovered in the last stage are attacked with various hacking methods. In the fourth stage of a penetration test, the tester attempts to maintain access to the system to steal any sensitive data or damaging systems. The fifth and final stage of a pen test is the reporting phase, when testers compile the test results. You’ll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download Enroll now to become professional Free Tools for Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking! IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. Who this course is for: People who want to start from scratch and to move more advanced level Leaders of incident handling teams People who want to take their Hacking skills to the next level People who are cyber security experts People who want transition to Cyber Security Incident handlers System administrators who are on the front lines defending their systems and responding to attacks Other security personnel who are first responders when systems come under attack People who are willing to make a career in Cyber Security Anyone who want to do a Penetration Testing against Wi-Fi networks. Anyone who wants to be a White Hat Hacker in ethical hacking and penetration testing course Those who want to start from scratch and move forward in web hacking Anyone who wants to learn ethical hacking Requirements 8 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (16 GB recommended) for ethical hacking and penetration testing 64-bit system processor is mandatory for ethical hacking course 20 GB or more disk space for ethical hacking and penetration testing course Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as “Intel-VTx” Modern Browsers like Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Microsoft Edge (latest) All items referenced in this course are Free A computer for installing all the free software and tools needed to practice A strong desire to understand hacker tools and techniques in ethical hacking Be able to download and install all the free software and tools needed to practice in hacking A strong work ethic, willingness to learn and plenty of excitement about the back door of the digital world Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today in penetration testing [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
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