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About Me

  1. El término "black hat" se refiere a un individuo o grupo que utiliza técnicas de hacking y ciberseguridad de manera ilegal o maliciosa con el fin de obtener ganancias o causar daño. En contraste, un "white hat" es un individuo o grupo que utiliza las mismas habilidades para proteger las redes y los sistemas informáticos de las empresas y las organizaciones contra los ataques de los black hats. El mundo digital se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo y técnico, y con ello ha surgido un nuevo tipo de criminalidad que afecta a personas, empresas y gobiernos de todo el mundo. Los black hats pueden utilizar una amplia gama de técnicas para realizar ataques cibernéticos, incluyendo la explotación de vulnerabilidades en los sistemas, el phishing y el malware. Uno de los objetivos más comunes de los black hats es robar información confidencial, como contraseñas y números de tarjetas de crédito. Esta información puede ser vendida en el mercado negro de la ciberdelincuencia, lo que puede tener graves consecuencias para las víctimas. Los black hats también pueden utilizar esta información para realizar fraude y extorsiones. Además, los black hats pueden atacar a las empresas para causar daños a sus sistemas informáticos y redes. Estos ataques pueden incluir la eliminación o alteración de datos importantes, la interrupción del servicio y la manipulación de los sistemas de información de una empresa. Estos ataques pueden tener graves consecuencias económicas y reputacionales para las empresas afectadas. Los ataques cibernéticos también pueden tener un impacto en la seguridad nacional y la privacidad de los ciudadanos. Los gobiernos y las organizaciones gubernamentales son un blanco común de los ataques de los black hats, que pueden utilizar estos ataques para obtener información confidencial o causar daños a la infraestructura crítica. Para protegerse contra los ataques de los black hats, es importante que las empresas y las organizaciones adopten medidas de seguridad cibernética sólidas y actualizadas. Esto incluye la implementación de firewalls y sistemas de detección de intrusiones, la capacitación del personal en materia de seguridad cibernética y la realización periódica de pruebas de penetración. Además, es importante que las personas tomen medidas para proteger su información personal en línea, como el uso de contraseñas seguras y únicas para cada cuenta, la activación de autenticación de dos factores y el mantenimiento de software y sistemas operativos actualizados. También es recomendable ser cauteloso al hacer clic en enlaces o descargar archivos desconocidos, ya que estos pueden ser técnicas comunes utilizadas por los black hats para distribuir malware. Otro aspecto importante es el monitoreo constante de las actividades en línea y la detección temprana de posibles amenazas. Las empresas pueden contratar servicios de seguridad cibernética profesionales que proporcionen monitoreo y análisis continuos para detectar cualquier actividad sospechosa. En resumen, los black hats representan una amenaza real para la seguridad cibernética de las personas, las empresas y los gobiernos. Es importante estar informado sobre las técnicas comunes utilizadas por los black hats y tomar medidas proactivas para protegerse contra estos ataques. La educación y la conciencia sobre seguridad cibernética son clave para mantenerse seguro en el mundo digital. En conclusión, el black hat es un término que describe a un individuo o grupo que utiliza técnicas de hacking y ciberseguridad de manera maliciosa con el fin de obtener ganancias o causar daño. Es importante estar atento a las amenazas cibernéticas y tomar medidas para proteger la información personal y los sistemas informáticos contra los ataques de los black hats. La adopción de medidas de seguridad sólidas y la educación sobre seguridad cibernética son esenciales para mantenerse seguro en el mundo digital.
  2. ¿Qué es la ingeniería social? La ingeniería social es una técnica de manipulación que se utiliza para obtener información confidencial y acceder a cuentas y sistemas de manera no autorizada. Esta técnica se basa en el uso del engaño y la persuasión para llevar a cabo sus objetivos. Los delincuentes cibernéticos pueden utilizar diferentes técnicas de ingeniería social, como el phishing, el baiting o el pretexto, para conseguir lo que quieren. ¿Cómo protegerse contra la ingeniería social? Aunque puede ser difícil protegerse completamente contra la ingeniería social, hay algunas medidas que puedes tomar para minimizar el riesgo de ser víctima de esta amenaza: Sé escéptico: No compartas información confidencial con desconocidos, y siempre verifica la veracidad de las solicitudes de información que recibas. Si alguien te pide acceso a tu cuenta o te ofrece algo demasiado bueno para ser verdad, es muy probable que se trate de una trampa. Utiliza contraseñas seguras: Utiliza contraseñas difíciles de adivinar y cámbialas regularmente. Evita utilizar la misma contraseña para varias cuentas y utiliza contraseñas de al menos 8 caracteres, con combinaciones de letras, números y símbolos. Configura la privacidad de tus cuentas: Asegúrate de configurar la privacidad de tus cuentas en línea de manera adecuada para evitar compartir información confidencial con desconocidos. Utiliza software de seguridad: Instala un software de seguridad en tu ordenador y mantenlo actualizado para protegerte contra virus y otros tipos de malware que pueden utilizarse para llevar a cabo ataques de ingeniería social. En resumen, la ingeniería social es una técnica de manipulación muy peligrosa que puede utilizarse para obtener información confidencial y acceder a sistemas y redes de manera no autorizada. Es esencial que los usuarios tomen medidas de precaución al interactuar con personas desconocidas y verifiquen la autenticidad de los correos electrónicos y los enlaces antes de hacer clic en ellos. Es importante también tener cuidado al proporcionar información confidencial en línea y utilizar contraseñas seguras y cambiarlas regularmente para protegerse contra el acceso no autorizado.
  3. Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools is the definitive book on investigating and analyzing computer systems and media using open source tools. The book is a technical procedural guide, and explains the use of open source tools on Mac, Linux and Windows systems as a platform for performing computer forensics. Both well-known and novel forensic methods are demonstrated using command-line and graphical open source computer forensic tools for examining a wide range of target systems and artifacts. Written by world-renowned forensic practitioners, this book uses the most current examination and analysis techniques in the field. It consists of 9 chapters that cover a range of topics such as the open source examination platform; disk and file system analysis; Windows systems and artifacts; Linux systems and artifacts; Mac OS X systems and artifacts; Internet artifacts; and automating analysis and extending capabilities. The book lends itself to use by students and those entering the field who do not have means to purchase new tools for different investigations. This book will appeal to forensic practitioners from areas including incident response teams and computer forensic investigators; forensic technicians from legal, audit, and consulting firms; and law enforcement agencies. Download Link -> [Hidden Content]
  4. What You Get: How to use AI to ramp up your content production without sacrificing quality How to edit content and avoid AI detectionand penalties from search engines Processes to create different types of AI content(blog posts, social media, product descriptions, etc.) Which tools are bestsuited for different content types Exactly how to use the top AI writing toolswith over-the-shoulder demos How to use AI to help prepare your online course Bonuses Exclusive discounts on AI writing tools (not available anywhere else) Checklists for writing AI blog posts, emails, ads and social media, and product descriptions Checklist of how to use AI for course creators Checklist for editing and optimizing AI content Cheatsheet of our favorite prompts to create content using ChatGPT Course Curriculum – Welcome – Our Favorite Tools Overview – Introduction – What to Expect – High-Level Approaches to AI Blog Content – Using AI for Long-Form Content Planning Your Content for AI Blog Posts Our Favorite AI Tool for Blog Content Using Content at Scale for Blog Posts Using Jasper AI for Blog Posts – Using AI for Short-Form Content Our Favorite Tool for Short-Form Content Using AI for Email Copy Using AI for Product Descriptions Using AI for Ad + Social Copy Using AI for Course Creation – Editing & Optimizations – AI Detection – What You Should Know – Tool-Specific Detailed Walkthroughs Using ChatGPT Content at Scale Detailed Walkthrough Jasper AI Detailed Walkthrough – Summary + Downloadable References [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  5. Valexa is a single vendor php script for selling digital products, software, graphics, audios, videos, fonts, templates, CD keys, accounts and any downloadable items. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  6. KMS/2038 & Digital & Online Activation Suite application consists of 4 different methods. KMS Inject - Digital Activation - KMS 2038 - Online Activation Methods (The WinDivert method is not included in v9x because it does not work properly since Windows 10 v1809 version, and will not be included in later versions.) + Info: [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  7. The Central Bank of Russia will begin a trial of a digital ruble starting in April. The project will be launched for direct transactions between individuals and for retail purchases. Moscow is also starting the rollout of a digital ID. The news about the CBDC pilot was recently announced by Olga Skorobogatova, deputy governor of the Central Bank. "The pilot will involve real transactions between real customers - but for a limited number of transactions and for a limited number of customers with thirteen banks that have already confirmed their technical readiness," she said, according to the TASS news agency. Skorobogatova emphasized that the general public cannot participate in the pilot in this first phase, as it will start with selected customers. After the digital ruble has been tested in practice, the bank will decide how the project will be expanded. The Central Bank of Russia proposed the idea of a CBDC in October 2020. It then published a consultation document outlining potential designs for the digital ruble. In later publications, the bank said the project could help make the Russian economy less dependent on the US dollar and mitigate the effects of Western sanctions. In Russia, a digital ID is also being rolled out. "The Russian Ministry of Digital Development, together with the Federal Security Service (FSB), will submit a draft decision before May 1, which will allow for the use of a digital identity document on smartphones instead of a passport in some everyday situations," said Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the Interfax news agency. There will be only a few situations in which a digital personal identity card can be legally used instead of a passport, said Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev. "We are not eliminating the passport," he reassured.
  8. Cryptitan is a multi-featured crypto exchange software. With the support of multiple cryptocurrencies, you can host your very own business and earn passive income through commissions. The supported features includes, but not limited to Crypto Exchange with direct bank transfer, credit cards or any other supported payment gateways, Peer to Peer Trading with real time chat support, and dispute resolution, Crypto Commerce (aka. Crypto Payment Gateway) which is a sophisticated crypto payment solution (with API) for your ecommerce business, and much more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  9. Microncer Solo is a PHP Script that allows you to start your own services and digital downloads marketplace. Sell and Manage your services and products, Accept Payments, Respond to your customers, Organize your business .. All in one place. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  10. El término "black hat" se refiere a un individuo o grupo que utiliza técnicas de hacking y ciberseguridad de manera ilegal o maliciosa con el fin de obtener ganancias o causar daño. En contraste, un "white hat" es un individuo o grupo que utiliza las mismas habilidades para proteger las redes y los sistemas informáticos de las empresas y las organizaciones contra los ataques de los black hats. El mundo digital se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo y técnico, y con ello ha surgido un nuevo tipo de criminalidad que afecta a personas, empresas y gobiernos de todo el mundo. Los black hats pueden utilizar una amplia gama de técnicas para realizar ataques cibernéticos, incluyendo la explotación de vulnerabilidades en los sistemas, el phishing y el malware. Uno de los objetivos más comunes de los black hats es robar información confidencial, como contraseñas y números de tarjetas de crédito. Esta información puede ser vendida en el mercado negro de la ciberdelincuencia, lo que puede tener graves consecuencias para las víctimas. Los black hats también pueden utilizar esta información para realizar fraude y extorsiones. Además, los black hats pueden atacar a las empresas para causar daños a sus sistemas informáticos y redes. Estos ataques pueden incluir la eliminación o alteración de datos importantes, la interrupción del servicio y la manipulación de los sistemas de información de una empresa. Estos ataques pueden tener graves consecuencias económicas y reputacionales para las empresas afectadas. Los ataques cibernéticos también pueden tener un impacto en la seguridad nacional y la privacidad de los ciudadanos. Los gobiernos y las organizaciones gubernamentales son un blanco común de los ataques de los black hats, que pueden utilizar estos ataques para obtener información confidencial o causar daños a la infraestructura crítica. Para protegerse contra los ataques de los black hats, es importante que las empresas y las organizaciones adopten medidas de seguridad cibernética sólidas y actualizadas. Esto incluye la implementación de firewalls y sistemas de detección de intrusiones, la capacitación del personal en materia de seguridad cibernética y la realización periódica de pruebas de penetración. Además, es importante que las personas tomen medidas para proteger su información personal en línea, como el uso de contraseñas seguras y únicas para cada cuenta, la activación de autenticación de dos factores y el mantenimiento de software y sistemas operativos actualizados. También es recomendable ser cauteloso al hacer clic en enlaces o descargar archivos desconocidos, ya que estos pueden ser técnicas comunes utilizadas por los black hats para distribuir malware. Otro aspecto importante es el monitoreo constante de las actividades en línea y la detección temprana de posibles amenazas. Las empresas pueden contratar servicios de seguridad cibernética profesionales que proporcionen monitoreo y análisis continuos para detectar cualquier actividad sospechosa. En resumen, los black hats representan una amenaza real para la seguridad cibernética de las personas, las empresas y los gobiernos. Es importante estar informado sobre las técnicas comunes utilizadas por los black hats y tomar medidas proactivas para protegerse contra estos ataques. La educación y la conciencia sobre seguridad cibernética son clave para mantenerse seguro en el mundo digital. En conclusión, el black hat es un término que describe a un individuo o grupo que utiliza técnicas de hacking y ciberseguridad de manera maliciosa con el fin de obtener ganancias o causar daño. Es importante estar atento a las amenazas cibernéticas y tomar medidas para proteger la información personal y los sistemas informáticos contra los ataques de los black hats. La adopción de medidas de seguridad sólidas y la educación sobre seguridad cibernética son esenciales para mantenerse seguro en el mundo digital. View full article
  11. ViserBank, a professional Digital banking Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Digital Banking Wallet website. Globally, 69% of adults, 3.8 billion people, now have an account at a bank or mobile money provider, a crucial step in escaping poverty. This is up from 62% in 2014 and just 51% in 2011. It’s an industry and here today we keep our footprint on this industry with our ViserBank, a complete solution for the Banking business. here, users can join easily, can manage their profile, deposit, FDR, DPS, Loans, able to choose plans, transfer to others bank, transfer to others account, Manage Beneficiary, withdraw their earning, and more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. Learn the completely free digital art software Krita with an efficient course and easy exercises! What you’ll learn Having a complete understanding of Krita’s interface and structure Knowing how to use all general tools like brushes, selections, and layers Being able to apply filters and edit photos Having a good skill set and confidence to use Krita in a flexible way for different types of art Knowing basic exercises for brushwork and tools that can be used to practice digital art Requirements It would help if you had a PC to download the software and a drawing tablet to make the most of your digital art. The willingness to learn new software and curiosity and ambition to explore it Description Welcome to the Krita 5.0 basics course! If you want to get into digital art but don’t know where to start, then you’ve come to the right place! Krita is a free image manipulation software with lots of tools and functions to edit images and create digital paintings. So it’s the perfect fit for anyone who wants to get started with digital art but doesn’t want to commit to paid-for software like Photoshop. Krita is pretty simple and beginner-friendly at its core, but it’s still tricky to navigate it and find out what all its tools do when you open it up for the first time… I’ve created this full course on Krita’s basics to help you with exactly that. I will teach you how to navigate Krita, how to draw and create shapes, how to use layers and selections, how to apply filters, and generally all the essentials that you need when you use the software. This is not a course where I explain the in’s and out’s of each tool for 10 minutes and spam nerdy knowledge of all the unnecessary extra options hidden deep inside the program that nobody uses anyway and you’ll have forgotten by the time the course ends. No. Here I want to introduce you only to the important things and precisely and efficiently explain to you how Krita generally works and what you can do with it. In my opinion, the best way to truly learn something is to do it. So I’ve prepared simple exercises that will get you familiar with Krita and help you get as comfortable with this software, as it gets! Have fun with the course! Who this course is for: Beginner digital artists People who want to learn how to use Krita [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. GeniusBank is the Advanced Professional Banking System that has all the necessary features to start a Banking Management based on Laravel. Mainly its developed for those people who want to start their Business in Digital Banking System. It comes with DPS, FDR, Wire Transfer, and many more Standard Banking features. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  14. Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies 2nd Edition [Hide][Hidden Content]] In this edition, you’ll learn the latest trends in digital marketing strategies, including brand new insight on how to incorporate artificial intelligence into your marketing plans. You’ll also get the latest information on how to manage your customers’ experiences, create exceptional marketing content, get help from influencers, and leverage social accounts for more followers and greater profits. With the help of this friendly Dummies guide,you’ll accelerate your journey from traditional to digital marketing processes, uncover tips to prove ROI of marketing activities, and increase audience engagement.
  15. ¿Qué es la ingeniería social? La ingeniería social es una técnica de manipulación que se utiliza para obtener información confidencial y acceder a cuentas y sistemas de manera no autorizada. Esta técnica se basa en el uso del engaño y la persuasión para llevar a cabo sus objetivos. Los delincuentes cibernéticos pueden utilizar diferentes técnicas de ingeniería social, como el phishing, el baiting o el pretexto, para conseguir lo que quieren. ¿Cómo protegerse contra la ingeniería social? Aunque puede ser difícil protegerse completamente contra la ingeniería social, hay algunas medidas que puedes tomar para minimizar el riesgo de ser víctima de esta amenaza: Sé escéptico: No compartas información confidencial con desconocidos, y siempre verifica la veracidad de las solicitudes de información que recibas. Si alguien te pide acceso a tu cuenta o te ofrece algo demasiado bueno para ser verdad, es muy probable que se trate de una trampa. Utiliza contraseñas seguras: Utiliza contraseñas difíciles de adivinar y cámbialas regularmente. Evita utilizar la misma contraseña para varias cuentas y utiliza contraseñas de al menos 8 caracteres, con combinaciones de letras, números y símbolos. Configura la privacidad de tus cuentas: Asegúrate de configurar la privacidad de tus cuentas en línea de manera adecuada para evitar compartir información confidencial con desconocidos. Utiliza software de seguridad: Instala un software de seguridad en tu ordenador y mantenlo actualizado para protegerte contra virus y otros tipos de malware que pueden utilizarse para llevar a cabo ataques de ingeniería social. En resumen, la ingeniería social es una técnica de manipulación muy peligrosa que puede utilizarse para obtener información confidencial y acceder a sistemas y redes de manera no autorizada. Es esencial que los usuarios tomen medidas de precaución al interactuar con personas desconocidas y verifiquen la autenticidad de los correos electrónicos y los enlaces antes de hacer clic en ellos. Es importante también tener cuidado al proporcionar información confidencial en línea y utilizar contraseñas seguras y cambiarlas regularmente para protegerse contra el acceso no autorizado. View full article
  16. Pixer – React Laravel Multivendor is a digital eCommerce Marketplace script implemented based on Laravel, React, Next JS, and Tailwind CSS. It is one of the fastest and most secure digital assets selling E-commerce app. It’s very easy to use, we have used axios and react-query for data fetching. You can set up your API endpoints very easily and your frontend team will love using it. It has REST API support. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  17. Cryptitan is a multi-featured Cryptocurrency exchange software. With support for multiple Cryptocurrencies, you are able to host buying & selling with direct bank transfer, credit cards or any other supported payment gateways. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  18. #1 Fastest top selling multi-user digital business card + WhatsApp store maker. Which is really helpful to generate passive income. It is a SAAS ready vcard and whatsapp store maker. Simply Install, Create Plans, Earn Money. GoBiz is a fully responsive modern UI VCard Maker. It suitable for creating all kinds of business and personal portfolios. Kickstart your saas business immediately. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  19. Pixer – React Laravel Multivendor is a digital eCommerce Marketplace script implemented based on Laravel, React, Next JS, and Tailwind CSS. It is one of the fastest and most secure digital assets selling E-commerce app. It’s very easy to use, we have used axios and react-query for data fetching. You can set up your API endpoints very easily and your frontend team will love using it. It has REST API support. On the frontend, we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind, and Laravel for the backend. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy digital e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation, tutorials and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support. The script has both dark mode and light mode for the shop version that will blow away your user experience. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  20. AdsRock is a professional Ads Network & Digital Marketing Solution for those, who want to start their own Ads network business. AdsRock has both advertiser and publisher both facility, an advertiser can upload their paid promotional banners (PPC/CPM) and a publisher who has own website can publish those to earn money. AdsRock concept generated from some ads network, like adward, adchoice, adroll, perfect audience, bidvertiser. AdsRock comes with anti-fraud protection facility, different panels for advertisers and publishers, easily installable codes for the publisher, instant click and impression counting facility, GEO targeted facility, and more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  21. Gamers Arena ia a Digital Online Game Store, Game Top Up , Voucher & Gamer ID Selling Tools.Most gamer wants to buy game top up, voucher & virtual card. But they don’t have international card. they want to get it by local currency.It helps professional gamer to buy DIGITAL CODES likes (Game Top Up, CD-Key, Game Card, Payment Card, VOD Gift Card, Music Platform Gift Card, Mobile Prepaid Reload Card, Shopping Gift Card),DIRECT TOP UP likes (Game Top-Up Service, Mobile Game Direct Top-Up, Video on Demand App Top-Up, Entertainment App Top-Up, Livestreaming App Top-up),MOBILE RELOAD likes (Prepaid Mobile Internet Reload),DIGITAL GOODS MARKETPLACE & GAMER ID Sell platform. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  22. InfyVcards-SaaS is a Multi-user Digital Business Card Builder system, which allows many users to create their business digital card with lots of information and they can share it with their customers. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  23. #1 Fastest top selling multi-user digital business card + WhatsApp store maker. Which is really helpful to generate passive income. It is a SAAS ready vcard and whatsapp store maker. Simply Install, Create Plans, Earn Money. GoBiz is a fully responsive modern UI VCard Maker. It suitable for creating all kinds of business and personal portfolios. Kickstart your saas business immediately. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  24. ViserBank, a professional Digital banking Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Digital Banking Wallet website. Globally, 69% of adults, 3.8 billion people, now have an account at a bank or mobile money provider, a crucial step in escaping poverty. This is up from 62% in 2014 and just 51% in 2011. It’s an industry and here today we keep our footprint on this industry with our ViserBank, a complete solution for the Banking business. here, users can join easily, can manage their profile, deposit, FDR, DPS, Loans, able to choose plans, transfer to others bank, transfer to others account, Manage Beneficiary, withdraw their earning, and more. [Hidden Content] [hide][Hidden Content]]
  25. Grow your business with Digital Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Google Analytics What you’ll learn Build an Internet Marketing Strategy for Your Project for 2022 Increase sales with online marketing tools Make Competitive analyses Work with competitive analysis tools for website and social media Work with analytics tools Draw a portrait of a target audience Make a media plan and budget Form a meaningful content plan and create engaging content Optimize content to increase search engine visibility Promote content to get more subscribers and loyal customers Manage your social media reputation and work with reviews Increase your search rankings with links Promote your website in search engines Work with the most effective SEO tools, including SimilarWeb, SemRush, Ahrefs, and Serpstat Work with Google Analytics, GA4, GTM Create an effective SMM Strategy for 2022 Track the effectiveness of social networks Requirements No special requirements Completion of the practical tasks increases the effectiveness of the course. It is preferable that you have an online project that you are currently working on so that you can implement the skills you have learned. Description Do you want to grow your business online? Do you need to get complete knowledge of digital marketing strategy to increase traffic, conversion, and sales? This is a complete course “Digital Marketing Strategy Bundle: 5 practical courses in 1” for you to master digital marketing. This Bundle of 5-in-1 practical digital marketing courses includes: 1. DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY. How to grow your business with digital marketing? Strategical 7 questions to answer to build a successful online presence: Mission, Vision, Product, Target Audience, Competitors, Traffic Sources, Metrics, and Optimization. Media Planning and Budgeting. You will be able to: Build a Digital Marketing Strategy for your project for the next 2022 year Understand the fundamental principles of internet marketing Make competitive analysis Work with analytics tools Draw a portrait of a target audience Find effective traffic tools for your niche Make a media plan and budget Find the right online marketing tools to increase sales2. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY. How to create content that sells! What content to create, where to publish and how to promote it? Content Marketing for B2B. How to create a Content Plan? You will be able to: Create a content marketing strategy Find a target audience and create relevant content for it Form a content plan Create popular content that sells Get more subscribers and loyal customers by using engaging content Optimize content for good search engine visibility Master popular analysis services Search for popular keywords3. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION. How to gain organic traffic from search engines? Basic SEO tools. Web-site and content. Internal and external SEO. You will be able to: Build a strategy for promoting your website in search engines Analyze traffic Work with analytical tools Choose effective keywords Build links4. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY. How to grow your business with SMM? Social Media Analysis. Metrics to Measure. Content creation and promotion. Social media reputation management. Build a social media promotion strategy for your project You will be able to: Conduct an SMM competitive analysis Use SMM analytic tools Compose a portrait of your target audience of your social media users Track sales using social media Make a Social Media content plan Promote content on Social Media Work with influencers, communities for content seeding Perform social media reputation management Work with reviews and deal with negativity on social media5. GOOGLE ANALYTICS. How to improve your Marketing? Performance indicators of attraction and conversion. Google Analytics and GTM set-up. E-commerce analytics set-up. You will be able to: Make decisions based on data Work with Google Analytics Combine your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts Customize goals and events Understand reach, conversion, and transactional analytics metrics Work with e-commerce modules Set up data transfers for advertising costs Create and understand automatic custom reports Configure custom alerts Customize segments Customize filters Set up calculated indicators Why should you choose this digital marketing course? You will learn digital marketing online from top internet marketing professionals We are industry experts! We have over 12 years of experience in online marketing. Our agency has Google Premier Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner status. My own credentials are Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Ads Individual Qualification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, Search Ads360 Certified and others. More than 1,500 successful marketing strategies and marketing campaigns are launched by us. Over 200,000 digital marketing specialists enrolled in our online courses. This course is suitable for both beginners and experts. The course comes with detailed visuals and in-depth videos. You will get a digital marketing certification from Udemy upon completion of the course. What else do you get in this course? Lifetime access to the course and its updates Structured lessons with practical exercises Course presentation Valuable checklists and templates (digital marketing strategy template, content plan checklist, web analytics checklist, SEO checklist, Social Media Marketing template) TOP Digital Marketing Blogs List TOP Digital Marketing Books List TOP Digital YouTube Marketing Channels List TOP Google’s Tools for Digital Marketer List TOP Tools for Digital Marketer List Weekly educational and promotional announcements A free copy of my book “Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing. How to attract customers and increase online sales”. In my book, I cover the following topics in depth: Internet promotion strategy, competitive analysis, web analytics, how to draw a portrait of your target audience, content plan formation, SEO, PPC advertising, promotion for social networks, email marketing, and case studies. A certificate from Udemy upon completion of the course Enroll now! There’s no time to lose! Every minute you are losing countless leads and sales! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This 5 courses bundle comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Want to start now? Click the “Buy now” button to start building and implementing successful digital marketing to grow your business today! Who this course is for: Everyone who wants to master digital marketing. People who are interested in learning an online profession – This digital marketing course will allow you to gain the skills needed for a career in digital marketing. Marketers – This class lets you extend your skills to include marketing in a digital context, allowing you to better serve your clients as a marketing specialist. Entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurs can use their new knowledge from this Digital Marketing bundle to run their own online digital marketing until they have the funds to hire a professional. Internet marketers – This course will help you ensure that your digital marketing skills are up-to-date and help you market yourself to clients, furthering your career. SEO specialists – This course will help you ensure that your SEO skills are up-to-date and help you market yourself to clients, furthering your career. Content marketers – after completing this course, you will learn how to create a content plan based on strategy. You will know how to work with keyword analysis tools, and based on data, create popular content that sells. SMM specialists – this course will make you a master of creating relevant content for your target audience and followers on media. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
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