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Programming Tutorials - C, C++, OpenGL, STL

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C++ Tutorial, C++ Made Easy: Learning to Program in C++
Learn C++ with this tutorial, designed for beginners and containing lots of examples, tips and simple explanations.
Intro to C++ (Quiz)
If statements (Quiz)
Loops in C++ (Quiz)
Functions in C++ (Quiz)
Switch case (Quiz)
Accessing Memory with Pointers (Quiz)
Structures in C++ (Quiz)
Storing data with Arrays (Quiz)
Character Strings in C++ (Quiz)
File I/O (Quiz)
Typecasting (Quiz)
Classes and introduction to object-oriented programming (Quiz)
Inline functions (Quiz)
Command line arguments (Quiz)
Linked Lists
Variable argument lists for functions
Binary Trees
Overview of Inheritance
Inheritance Syntax and Examples
C++ Class Design
Enumerated types
Formatted Output in C++ using iomanip
Templates in C++
Initialization Lists and Inheritance
Templated functions
Template specialization and partial specialization
Understanding the C Preprocessor -- Constants, Macros, and other Tricks
Generating random Numbers
Using Modulus to get remainders

C Tutorial - C Made Easy
This tutorial is based on the above tutorial, but uses only standard C language features.
Intro to C (Quiz)
If statements (Quiz)
Loops in C (Quiz)
Functions and Program Organization (Quiz)
Switch case (Quiz)
Pointers (Quiz)
Arrays (Quiz)
C-style Strings (Quiz)
C File I/O
Typecasting (Quiz)
Command line arguments (Quiz)
Linked Lists
Variable argument lists
Binary Trees

More Advanced C and C++ Language Feature Tutorials
Bitwise Operators in C and C++
File I/O in C
Print format strings for beautiful output
What's the difference between declaring and defining something in C and C++?
Learn about the distinction between declaring a variable, class or function--and defining it--and why it matters when you have trouble compiling your code
Removing the Mystery of Function Pointers
Functors: Function Objects in C++
References in C++
Const Correctness--Why bother?
How and When to Use Private Inheritance
When To Use Goto: A Partial Defense of the goto Statement
Using Exceptions for Error Handling in C++
Organizing programs with Namespaces in C++
Understanding the Static Keyword in C and C++
A multipurpose keywords, static can be used globally, locally, and on class variables, with different meanings in each context
Templated Classes in C++
Using auto_ptr to avoid memory leaks in C++
Understanding std::string (C++ strings)
The friend keyword and data encapsulation
Secure Coding - Preventing Buffer Overflows and other attacks
Unicode: What you Can Do About it Today
Multiple Inheritance in C++
Solving the Diamond Problem with Virtual Inheritance
Operator overloading
Understanding Constructors, Destructors and Object Lifetime
A gentle introduction to C++ IO streams

C++11 - the new C++ standard
C++11 is the new C++ standard, and it's chock full of goodness for C++ programmers, old and new.
What is C++11? - Get introduced to the new C++ standard, C++11 (previously known as C++0x)
Auto, Decltype and return values after functions in C++11
Lambda Functions in C++11 - the definitive guide
Range-Based For Loops in C++11
Generalized Constant Expressions in C++11 with constexpr
Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11
Enum classes and nullptr in C++11

C++ Standard Template Library (STL) tutorials
The STL is a powerful library that comes as part of standard C++, and should be a tool used and understood by all C++ programmers.
An Introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL)
The STL Vector Container
STL Iterators
STL Map Container
STL List Container

Understanding Floating Point Numbers
by Jeff Bezanson
Every programmer should understand enough about floating point numbers to avoid the pitfalls of assuming perfect precision.

Background: Accuracy vs. Precision
Floating Point Representation
Bonus: Printing Floating Point Numbers Cleanly

Using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)
by Jeff Bezanson
Background and Using the RPC compiler
Writing the Server Code
Writing the Client and Putting it All Together
Get the code

Same Game - A Simple Game from Start to Finish
By Ben Marchant
Do you want to learn how to create a game? This series will teach you how to create a game, starting from the very beginning and ending with a fully playable game.

Same Game - Part 1: Introduction to technologies and drawing the game board
Same Game - Part 2: Creating a real, playable game
Same Game - Part 3: Adding difficulty levels and other menu options
Same Game - Part 4: Changing the game board size and the block count
Same Game - Part 5: Adding undo/redo functionality and keyboard accelerators

Object-Oriented Animation
Learn how to design a framework for doing animation--a foundation for many games and graphics engines.
An Introduction to Object Oriented Animation
Frames, Layers and Layer Folders
The design of the animation engine

Using Microsoft ADO with SQL Databases in C++
by Patrick Mancier
Overview of this tutorial
Part 1: Introduction to SQL
Part 2: Introduction to ADO
Part 3: ADO Wrapper Classes
Part 4: Creating the ADO Manager Class
Part 5: Using the CADOManager in Practice
SDL Tutorials
The SDL is a simple library for doing graphics in C and C++
Setting up SDL

OpenGL Tutorials
By RoD
Intro to OpenGL
OpenGL vs DirectX
OpenGL and Windows
The WinMain procedure
Windows Programming
Intro to WGL, the Windows Graphics Layer
Your first OpenGL Program
Projections in OpenGL

Rotations in Three Dimensions
By Confuted and Silvercord
This series of tutorials describes the math required for performing three dimensional rotations.

The Basics of 3D rotations
Rotation Matrices
Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis
Uses for what you've learned
Using Quaternions

AI Tutorials
Learn about AI, including how to make game AI using the minimax algorithm.
Perceptrons, a simple neuron simulator
MiniMax Game Trees
Chess Board Representation
Solving problems with genetic algorithms

Data Structures
All programmers should know something about basic data structures like stacks, queues and heaps. Graphs are a tremendously useful concept, and two-three trees solve a lot of problems inherent in more basic binary trees.
Stack Data Structure
The Queue Data Structure
Hash Tables
Graphs in computer science
Two-three trees

Algorithmic Efficiency and Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Learn how to determine the efficiency of your program and all about the various algorithms for sorting and searching--both common problems when programming.
Algorithmic Efficiency and Big-O notation
Efficiency and the space-time tradeoff
Search Algorithms - linear search and binary search
Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
Intro to sorting algorithms: bubble sort
Selection sort and Insertion sort
Heap Sort
Merge Sort
Radix Sort a special case sorting algorithm

Advanced Algorithms
If you've mastered the basics, perhaps you'd like to move to more advanced, specialized algorithms
Exclusive-OR (XOR) Encryption
Dijkstra's Algorithm for finding shortest paths in graphs
Dynamic Programming with an example of all-pairs shortest paths
Minimum Spanning Trees and Prim's Algorithm
Huffman Encoding Compressiong Algorithm

Computer Science Theory
If you've moved on from the advanced algorithms, perhaps you'd like to learn more about the fundamental nature of computation--a deep and rewarding topic.
An introduction to the topic of computer science
Base Systems - Binary, Hex and Octal
The Halting Problem
Not for the faint of heart (or beginners), this tutorial covers an advanced topic in computer science: the nature of what can and cannot be computed -- what types of problems computers simply cannot solve
What We Cannot Know: Consequences of the Halting Problem
Coding Style
Programming Style, Part 1: Whitespace
Programming Style, Part 2: Naming Conventions
Programming Style, Part 3: How you can write readable code, and why you should
How -- and Why -- to Comment

Compilers and Makefiles
How to create a shared library on Linux using GCC
Unravelling the mysteries of makefiles
Advanced makefile tricks
Dealing with the compilation process
Why you should fix compiler warnings

Memory Management
Using auto_ptr to manage memory
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 1: new, delete and multidimensional array allocation
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 2: Virtual Memory
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 3: Overloading Operator New and Delete
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 4: Common Memory Management Problems

Other Programming Languages
Interested in other programming languages, go beyond C and C++ to learn about Java, C# and more!
C and C++ for Java Programmers
Java for C++ Programmers: A Syntax Cheat Sheet
A Summary of C#
A Programming Language Comparison

Miscellaneous Programming Articles
Test Driven Development, The Philosophy
Where C and C++ Differ
So you want write a game?
How do you tell how large an object is?
How to Start Writing a Program
Module Development for Game Design
Debugging binary search: the difficulty of getting your code right the first time
New Year's Resolutions for C/C++ Programmers
5 New Year's Resolution  

Programming Tutorials - C, C++, OpenGL, STL

List advanced tutorial topics »
C++ Tutorial, C++ Made Easy: Learning to Program in C++
Learn C++ with this tutorial, designed for beginners and containing lots of examples, tips and simple explanations.
Intro to C++ (Quiz)
If statements (Quiz)
Loops in C++ (Quiz)
Functions in C++ (Quiz)
Switch case (Quiz)
Accessing Memory with Pointers (Quiz)
Structures in C++ (Quiz)
Storing data with Arrays (Quiz)
Character Strings in C++ (Quiz)
File I/O (Quiz)
Typecasting (Quiz)
Classes and introduction to object-oriented programming (Quiz)
Inline functions (Quiz)
Command line arguments (Quiz)
Linked Lists
Variable argument lists for functions
Binary Trees
Overview of Inheritance
Inheritance Syntax and Examples
C++ Class Design
Enumerated types
Formatted Output in C++ using iomanip
Templates in C++
Initialization Lists and Inheritance
Templated functions
Template specialization and partial specialization
Understanding the C Preprocessor -- Constants, Macros, and other Tricks
Generating random Numbers
Using Modulus to get remainders

C Tutorial - C Made Easy
This tutorial is based on the above tutorial, but uses only standard C language features.
Intro to C (Quiz)
If statements (Quiz)
Loops in C (Quiz)
Functions and Program Organization (Quiz)
Switch case (Quiz)
Pointers (Quiz)
Arrays (Quiz)
C-style Strings (Quiz)
C File I/O
Typecasting (Quiz)
Command line arguments (Quiz)
Linked Lists
Variable argument lists
Binary Trees

More Advanced C and C++ Language Feature Tutorials
Bitwise Operators in C and C++
File I/O in C
Print format strings for beautiful output
What's the difference between declaring and defining something in C and C++?
Learn about the distinction between declaring a variable, class or function--and defining it--and why it matters when you have trouble compiling your code
Removing the Mystery of Function Pointers
Functors: Function Objects in C++
References in C++
Const Correctness--Why bother?
How and When to Use Private Inheritance
When To Use Goto: A Partial Defense of the goto Statement
Using Exceptions for Error Handling in C++
Organizing programs with Namespaces in C++
Understanding the Static Keyword in C and C++
A multipurpose keywords, static can be used globally, locally, and on class variables, with different meanings in each context
Templated Classes in C++
Using auto_ptr to avoid memory leaks in C++
Understanding std::string (C++ strings)
The friend keyword and data encapsulation
Secure Coding - Preventing Buffer Overflows and other attacks
Unicode: What you Can Do About it Today
Multiple Inheritance in C++
Solving the Diamond Problem with Virtual Inheritance
Operator overloading
Understanding Constructors, Destructors and Object Lifetime
A gentle introduction to C++ IO streams

C++11 - the new C++ standard
C++11 is the new C++ standard, and it's chock full of goodness for C++ programmers, old and new.
What is C++11? - Get introduced to the new C++ standard, C++11 (previously known as C++0x)
Auto, Decltype and return values after functions in C++11
Lambda Functions in C++11 - the definitive guide
Range-Based For Loops in C++11
Generalized Constant Expressions in C++11 with constexpr
Rvalue References and Move Semantics in C++11
Enum classes and nullptr in C++11

C++ Standard Template Library (STL) tutorials
The STL is a powerful library that comes as part of standard C++, and should be a tool used and understood by all C++ programmers.
An Introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL)
The STL Vector Container
STL Iterators
STL Map Container
STL List Container

Understanding Floating Point Numbers
by Jeff Bezanson
Every programmer should understand enough about floating point numbers to avoid the pitfalls of assuming perfect precision.

Background: Accuracy vs. Precision
Floating Point Representation
Bonus: Printing Floating Point Numbers Cleanly

Using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)
by Jeff Bezanson
Background and Using the RPC compiler
Writing the Server Code
Writing the Client and Putting it All Together
Get the code

Same Game - A Simple Game from Start to Finish
By Ben Marchant
Do you want to learn how to create a game? This series will teach you how to create a game, starting from the very beginning and ending with a fully playable game.

Same Game - Part 1: Introduction to technologies and drawing the game board
Same Game - Part 2: Creating a real, playable game
Same Game - Part 3: Adding difficulty levels and other menu options
Same Game - Part 4: Changing the game board size and the block count
Same Game - Part 5: Adding undo/redo functionality and keyboard accelerators

Object-Oriented Animation
Learn how to design a framework for doing animation--a foundation for many games and graphics engines.
An Introduction to Object Oriented Animation
Frames, Layers and Layer Folders
The design of the animation engine

Using Microsoft ADO with SQL Databases in C++
by Patrick Mancier
Overview of this tutorial
Part 1: Introduction to SQL
Part 2: Introduction to ADO
Part 3: ADO Wrapper Classes
Part 4: Creating the ADO Manager Class
Part 5: Using the CADOManager in Practice
SDL Tutorials
The SDL is a simple library for doing graphics in C and C++
Setting up SDL

OpenGL Tutorials
By RoD
Intro to OpenGL
OpenGL vs DirectX
OpenGL and Windows
The WinMain procedure
Windows Programming
Intro to WGL, the Windows Graphics Layer
Your first OpenGL Program
Projections in OpenGL

Rotations in Three Dimensions
By Confuted and Silvercord
This series of tutorials describes the math required for performing three dimensional rotations.

The Basics of 3D rotations
Rotation Matrices
Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis
Uses for what you've learned
Using Quaternions

AI Tutorials
Learn about AI, including how to make game AI using the minimax algorithm.
Perceptrons, a simple neuron simulator
MiniMax Game Trees
Chess Board Representation
Solving problems with genetic algorithms

Data Structures
All programmers should know something about basic data structures like stacks, queues and heaps. Graphs are a tremendously useful concept, and two-three trees solve a lot of problems inherent in more basic binary trees.
Stack Data Structure
The Queue Data Structure
Hash Tables
Graphs in computer science
Two-three trees

Algorithmic Efficiency and Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Learn how to determine the efficiency of your program and all about the various algorithms for sorting and searching--both common problems when programming.
Algorithmic Efficiency and Big-O notation
Efficiency and the space-time tradeoff
Search Algorithms - linear search and binary search
Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
Intro to sorting algorithms: bubble sort
Selection sort and Insertion sort
Heap Sort
Merge Sort
Radix Sort a special case sorting algorithm

Advanced Algorithms
If you've mastered the basics, perhaps you'd like to move to more advanced, specialized algorithms
Exclusive-OR (XOR) Encryption
Dijkstra's Algorithm for finding shortest paths in graphs
Dynamic Programming with an example of all-pairs shortest paths
Minimum Spanning Trees and Prim's Algorithm
Huffman Encoding Compressiong Algorithm

Computer Science Theory
If you've moved on from the advanced algorithms, perhaps you'd like to learn more about the fundamental nature of computation--a deep and rewarding topic.
An introduction to the topic of computer science
Base Systems - Binary, Hex and Octal
The Halting Problem
Not for the faint of heart (or beginners), this tutorial covers an advanced topic in computer science: the nature of what can and cannot be computed -- what types of problems computers simply cannot solve
What We Cannot Know: Consequences of the Halting Problem
Coding Style
Programming Style, Part 1: Whitespace
Programming Style, Part 2: Naming Conventions
Programming Style, Part 3: How you can write readable code, and why you should
How -- and Why -- to Comment

Compilers and Makefiles
How to create a shared library on Linux using GCC
Unravelling the mysteries of makefiles
Advanced makefile tricks
Dealing with the compilation process
Why you should fix compiler warnings

Memory Management
Using auto_ptr to manage memory
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 1: new, delete and multidimensional array allocation
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 2: Virtual Memory
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 3: Overloading Operator New and Delete
Dynamic Memory Allocation, Part 4: Common Memory Management Problems

Other Programming Languages
Interested in other programming languages, go beyond C and C++ to learn about Java, C# and more!
C and C++ for Java Programmers
Java for C++ Programmers: A Syntax Cheat Sheet
A Summary of C#
A Programming Language Comparison

Miscellaneous Programming Articles
Test Driven Development, The Philosophy
Where C and C++ Differ
So you want write a game?
How do you tell how large an object is?
How to Start Writing a Program
Module Development for Game Design
Debugging binary search: the difficulty of getting your code right the first time
New Year's Resolutions for C/C++ Programmers
5 New Year's Resolutions for Programmers, updated for 2011
Thinking about Programming
Common Coding Mistakes
The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face--And How You Can Solve Them
The Secret to Learning Anything
5 Ways You can Learn Programming Fasters for Programmers, updated for 2011
Thinking about Programming
Common Coding Mistakes
The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face--And How You Can Solve Them
The Secret to Learning Anything
5 Ways You can Learn Programming Faster




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